EdgeDriver Version 116.0.1938.69 - Changed behaviour for WindowHandles Count with Open PrintDialog #115
We are testing a WebApp with Selenium 4 (Version 4.11) on Edge Browser.
about 3 weeks ago the Browser was updated to Microsoft Edge for Business Version 116.0.1938.54 in our company, and thus we also had to update the Webdriver to version 116.0.1938.54
We are facing the following issue now in our TestAutomation project: We use the count of WindowHandles to check if a PrintDialog was opened. So far the WindowHandles was increased by 1 when the Print Dialog was opened an we could switch to it an close it (via JavaScriptExcecutor).
Since the update we are facing the issue that the count of WindowHandles remains unchanged when the Print Dialog is opened.
The Version installed before was Version Microsoft Edge 115.0.1901.203 (no mention of For Business)
Attached file shows a screenshot of VisualStudio in Debug-Mode showing the value of WindowHandles and the state of the Browser at this time