I'm using the WebView2 control to render html page inside outlook plugin I implement. I've found that if I try to correct some spelling issue on the page using left mouse click context menu, the plugin loses focus after correct spelling is selected from the menu.
I've recreated the problem in simplified project containing only WebView and textbox control - after correct spelling is selected, focus moves to the textbox control instead staying on the WebView - please see attached project.
Using the right click also brings the spell checking menu and it works fine in simplified scenario, but unfortunately I can't use this option in my project as I have a CkEditor4 control on my html page that overrides default right click menu.
SDK: 1.0.1418.22
Framework: WinForms
OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
Repro Steps
- run the attached project and enter some incorrect spelling in the html page search box
- left click incorrect spelling
- select correct word from the menu
- the focus is set to the textbox control instead of WebView
Additional context