Hello! Thank you so much for putting up this valuable resource! I was wondering if I may ask for some kind advice about replicating the results, which I have been unable to do.
Mainly, I have been testing CURL (using the default settings + command listed on against CURL with the following lines commented out (which should give me pixel SAC):
# if step % self.cpc_update_freq == 0 and self.encoder_type == 'pixel':
# obs_anchor, obs_pos = cpc_kwargs["obs_anchor"], cpc_kwargs["obs_pos"]
# self.update_cpc(obs_anchor, obs_pos,cpc_kwargs, L, step,0)
For [cartpole, swingup], I obtained ~ 850 for CURL but strangely I also obtained ~850 (and very quickly too) for pixel SAC. These results showing no difference were replicated over 5 seeds and very robust. Is my code change correct, or have I manipulated the code in the wrong way?
For the task [finger,spin] I obtained ~ 350 for both CURL and pixel SAC, also no difference.
Thank you in advance for the kind help! :)