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New eth-scan broken for some tokens #260




The problem

At rotki we use the old eth-scan version:

Tried and true, works every time.

@yabirgb deployed the new one in optimism, so thought we could try and use it in mainnet too.

While trying to accomplish that it turns out that there is some edge-cases for which it's broken.

While for many tokens it works fine and returns True/false plus the uint256 in bytes for the token balance, there is a few tokens where it returns True plus a humongous byte string.

One such token is 0x0e880118C29F095143dDA28e64d95333A9e75A47 (

If you try to query balance for any user it spits out the huge byte string. But probably best example is someone who actually owns a bit of it.

So tokensBalance for owner: 0xeE620a0991D57f464aaD452789a4564Ba51245E8 and contracts: 0x0e880118C29F095143dDA28e64d95333A9e75A47

Try via:

Result can be seen below


Some extra thoughts

I can't help but feel that the original very first contract is superior in every way. Only downside is that it has view only the EtherBalances and the other calls are not view while they should have been.

But for this new one the following problems exist:

  1. Adding success/false for each underlying token call does not help much. As a consumer app I only care about the balance and not success/false of the balanceOf. If the call failed, I would always assume 0 balance anyway. So this adds unecessary complexity and reduces the amount of possible tokens we can have in a roundtrip to a node due to size limitations.
  2. Having success/false also for etherBalances does not make sense since it's always true. So it takes up extra space and reduces the amount of possible addresses we can have in a roundtrip to a node due to size limitations.
  3. Having the result in bytes. I really don't get this. The original contract had it in uint256 which was exactly what you need. We are always dealing with uint256. Either token balances or eth balances. What was the reason to do this? This adds complexity in the consumer side, as we need to convert from byte string to int for every single token. Slows things down quite a lot considering our calls are in chunks of thousands of tokens.

It's quite possible I am missing something, but I would love some explanation into the thinking that went into these changes.

Explanation on the reduction of amount of possible addresses: Same code that was querying exact same amount of tokens for a given address fails both with etherscan proxy (they close the connection) and with my own node (times out). Works fine with old contract.

If with the new contract I send less addresses in each batch then it works. So in the end the new contract forces us to make more calls to a node.


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