We invite everybody to contribute to this challenge by providing data sets to be uploaded to a variety of bioimaging repositories. Each participant should know the data well (=good annotations) and submit the same data set to at least two different databases listed here.
The aims of this challenge are: (i) to learn which issues you encounter when uploading data, (ii) how to prepare yourself / your data better for this process, e.g. which metadata / data formats are required, (iii) have examplary data sets for reuse / re-analysis e.g. via galaxy and for testing new tools and (iv) get ready for the "close to real life" repo-challenge 2.0.
We ask each participant to provide an overview in the table below which data sets and repos will be used. In case you need help from a data steward please write to the helpdesk. In addition, a questionnaire will be provided (under construction, link will follow) to share the experience. A short summary about this challenge is also available on zenodo.
Time line
Feb 2025: please enter your contribution in the table below as soon as possible
March 2025: open exchange meeting via zoom
May 30th 2025: data should be uploaded, accepted and publicly available
June 15th 2025: return questionnaire
June 2025: wrap-up & open exchange meeting via zoom - planning of repo2.0
Submitter | Repos planned | Data type | Data steward |
Philipp | BIA, IDR, GEO, HubMAP | multi-modal spatial data | |
Torsten | BIA, IDR, OpenNeuro | multi-modal neuro data | |
Conni | BIA, IDR (if appropriate), TBD | FLIM and summed intensity data | (me) |
Niraj | BIA, IDR(?), DataPLANT HUB | Spinning Disk Microscopy data | |
Provided example datasets
- Multi-modal Human Brain MRI+EEG+Physio Dataset
- Multi-modal Rat Brain MRI+LightSheet Dataset
- Multi-modal spatial data
Eventually, the data uploaded for the challenge can be browsed and searched at https://nfdi4bioimage.github.io/n4bi-repo-challenge-2025/.