Currently, the template is set up to build the package with setuptools. However, the current advise on is to use hatchling. (related to #318) Edit: The default option is hatch. No specific option is recommended.
This would also be an opportunity to use hatch as project manager. Hatch uses hatchling to build the package in a separate virtual environment, has environment management with scripts, and allows much easier publishing to pypi.
Additionally, hatch is maintained by the Python Packaging Authority.
Hatch would allow us to:
Make a more clean repository, with fewer configuration files in the main directory (hatch is configured in pyproject.toml)
Define environments, such as a specific environment for building documentation, with the documentation dependencies contained only in there.
Define script belonging to a certain environment, for example
hatch run docs:build
to build the documentation. -
Define scripts for linting, to replace prospector. With a single command
hatch run lint
, you can (for example) run black, isort, flake8, mypy, pydoctest, etc. -
Use matrix tests for different python versions. This could replace tox.
Together with @Peter9192 I have updated era5cli to use hatch, if you want to see a specific use case. The CI is set up to use the same hatch commands that developers do.