The focus of this guide is on using In-Game Inferencing to integrate an ASR Whisper model into an application. More details can be found here OpenAI Whisper
Please read the docs/
located in the NVIGI Core package to learn more about overall AI inference API in NVIGI SDK. :only:binary_pack:[Which may be found here in combined binary packs](../../../nvigi_core/docs/
IMPORTANT: This guide might contain pseudo code, for the up to date implementation and source code which can be copy pasted please see the basic sample
Please read the docs/
located in the NVIGI Core package to learn more about initializing and shutting down NVIGI SDK. :only:binary_pack:[Which may be found here in combined binary packs](../../../nvigi_core/docs/
Next, we need to retrieve ASR's API interface based on what variant we need (CPU, CUDA, etc.) NOTE only the local inference plugins are provided/supported in this early release. The cloud plugins will be added in a later release:
nvigi::IAutoSpeechRecognition* iasrLocal{};
// Here we are requesting interface for the GGML_CUDA implementation
if(NVIGI_FAILED(result, nvigiGetInterface(nvigi::plugin::asr::ggml::cuda::kId &iasrLocal))
// Handle error here
NOTE: One can only obtain interface for a feature which is available on user system. Interfaces are valid as long as the NVIGI ASR feature (plugin) is loaded and active.
Now that we have our interface we can use it to create our ASR instance. To do this, we need to provide information about ASR model we want to use, CPU/GPU resources which are available and various other creation parameters.
NOTE Only the local inference plugins are provided/supported in this release. The cloud plugin(s) might be added in a later release.
We can obtain this information by requesting capabilities and requirements for a model or models.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This section covers a scenario where the host application can instantiate models that were not included when the application was packaged and shipped. If the models and their capabilities are predefined and there is no need for dynamically downloaded models, you can skip to the next section.
There are few options here:
- provide specific model GUID and VRAM budget and check if that particular model can run within the budget
- provide null model GUID and VRAM budget to get a list of models that can run within the budget
- provide null model GUID and 'infinite' (SIZE_MAX) VRAM budget to get a list of ALL models
- provide specific model GUID to obtain CloudCapabilities which include URL and JSON request body for the endpoint used by the model
- provide null model GUID to get a list of ALL models (CloudCapabilities in this case will NOT provide any info)
Here is an example:
nvigi::CommonCreationParameters common{};
common.utf8PathToModels = myPathToNVIGIModelRepository; // Path to provided NVIGI model repository (using UTF-8 encoding)
common.vramBudgetMB = myVRAMBudget; // VRAM budget (SIZE_MAX if we want ALL models) - IGNORED FOR CLOUD MODELS
common.modelGUID = myModelGUID; // Model GUID, set to `nullptr` if we want all models
nvigi::CommonCapabilitiesAndRequirements* caps{};
if (NVIGI_FAILED(result, getCapsAndRequirements(igptLocal, common, &caps)))
LOG("'getCapsAndRequirements' failed");
for (size_t i = 0; i < caps->numSupportedModels; i++)
if (caps->modelFlags[i] & kModelFlagRequiresDownload)
// Local model, requires download
LOG("MODEL: %s VRAM: %llu", caps->supportedModelNames[i], caps->modelMemoryBudgetMB[i]);
Once we know which model we want here is an example on how to create an instance for it:
Here is an example:
nvigi::InferenceInstance* asrInstanceLocal;
nvigi::CommonCreationParameters common{};
nvigi::ASRCreationParameters params{};
common.numThreads = myNumCPUThreads; // How many CPU threads is instance allowed to use, relevant only if using CPU feature
common.vramBudgetMB = myVRAMBudget; // How much VRAM is instance allowed to occupy
common.utf8PathToModels = myPathToNVIGIModelRepository; // Path to provided NVIGI model repository (using UTF-8 encoding)
common.modelGUID = "{5CAD3A03-1272-4D43-9F3D-655417526170}"; // Model GUID for Whisper, for details please see NVIGI models repository
// handle error
Next we need to provide information about D3D12 properties if our application is planning to leverage CiG
(CUDA In Graphics)
nvigi::D3D12Parameters d3d12Params{};
d3d12Params.device = myDevice;
d3d12Params.queue = myDirectQueue; // mandatory to use CIG
d3d12Params.queueCompute = myComputeQueue; // optional
d3d12Params.queueCopy = myCopyQueue; // optional
// handle error
if(NVIGI_FAILED(res, iasrLocal->createInstance(params, &asrInstanceLocal)))
LOG("NVIGI call failed, code %d", res);
The NVIGISample, a 3D rendered interactive NVIGI sample (provided with the SDK) provides helper functions which can be used to record a user's voice in an optimal format for the inference. These may be found in the files nvigi/AudioRecordingHelper.*
Here is an example of their use:
AudioRecordingHelper::RecordingInfo* audioInfo = AudioRecordingHelper::StartRecordingAudio();
if(audioInfo == nullptr)
//! Check error
// ...
//! Incoming audio is stored in special inference audio variable
//! 16000 samples mono WAVE suitable for use with most ASR models
nvigi::InferenceDataAudioSTLHelper wavData;
if(!AudioRecordingHelper::StopRecordingAudio(audioInfo, &wavData))
//! Check error
It is not mandatory to use the NVIGI helpers to record voice, your own recording method can be used but it must record WAVE
with a sampling rate of 16000 and 16bits per sample. Here is an example setup for the audio input slot:
NVIGI does not provide a way to record audio stream since that is out of the scope of this SDK. Any recording method can be used as long as produced audio samples are single channel (mono) with 16000 sample rate.
// Mark each input based on if this is start, middle or end of a stream
nvigi::StreamingParameters audioChunkInfo = audioChunkInfo.type = nvigi::StreamSignalType::eStreamData;
audioChunkInfo.type = nvigi::StreamSignalType::eStreamStart;
else if(lastChunk)
audioChunkInfo.type = nvigi::StreamSignalType::eStreamStop;
// We will chain this later to the runtime parameters in our execution context
NOTE: See section 7 below for more details
// Can be full audio clip or streamed audio chunk, in this case pcm16 as the most commonly used audio format
std::vector<int16> pcm16 = getMyMonoAudio();
nvigi::InferenceDataAudioSTLHelper audio{pmc16, 1}; // assuming single channel mono audio
In order to receive transcribed text from the ASR model inference a special callback needs to be setup like this:
auto asrCallback = [](const nvigi::InferenceExecutionContext* execCtx, nvigi::InferenceExecutionState state, void* userData)->nvigi::InferenceExecutionState
//! Optional user context to control execution
auto userCtx = (HostProvidedASRCallbackCtx*)userData;
if (execCtx->outputs)
const nvigi::InferenceDataText* text{};
execCtx->outputs->findAndValidateSlot(nvigi::kASRDataSlotTranscribedText, &text);
std::string transcribedText = text->getUtf8Text();
//! Do something with the received text
if (state == nvigi::kInferenceExecutionStateDataPending)
//! This is final data, more data is pending
else if (state == nvigi::kInferenceExecutionStateDataPartial)
//! This is partial data and subject to change, more data is pending
if (state == nvigi::kInferenceExecutionStateDone)
//! This is all the data we can expect to receive
//! Inform NVIGI that inference should be cancelled
return nvigi::kInferenceExecutionStateCancel;
return state;
IMPORTANT: Input and output data slots provided within the execution context are only valid during the callback execution. Host application must be ready to handle callbacks until reaching
NOTE: To cancel ASR inference make sure to return
state in the callback.
Before ASR can be evaluated the nvigi::InferenceExecutionContext
needs to be defined:
//! Audio data slot is coming from our previous step
std::vector<nvigi::InferenceDataSlot> slots = { {nvigi::kASRDataSlotAudio, audio} };
nvigi::InferenceDataSlotArray inputs = { slots.size(), }; // Input slots
//! OPTIONAL Runtime parameters, we can for example switch between Greedy or BeamSearch sampling strategies
nvigi::ASRRuntimeParameters asrRuntime{};
runtime.sampling = nvigi::ASRSamplingStrategy::eBeamSearch;
nvigi::InferenceExecutionContext asrContext{};
asrContext.instance = asrInstanceLocal; // The instance we created and we want to run inference on
asrContext.callback = asrCallback; // Callback to receive transcribed text
asrContext.callbackUserData = &asrCallback; // Optional context for the callback, can be null if not needed
asrContext.inputs = &inputs;
asrContext.runtimeParameters = &asrRuntime;
IMPORTANT: The execution context and all provided data must be valid at the time
is called (see below for more details).
In your execution pipeline, call instance->evaluate
to process single audio clip or instance->evaluateAsync
to process audio stream at the appropriate location where audio needs to be transcribed.
// Make sure ASR is available and user selected this option in the UI
// Non-blocking call - evaluate our instance asynchronously with all the provided parameters, transcribed text is received via callback on a different thread
// Mark each input based on if this is start, middle or end of a stream
nvigi::StreamingParameters audioChunkInfo{};
audioChunkInfo.type = nvigi::StreamSignalType::eStreamData;
audioChunkInfo.type = nvigi::StreamSignalType::eStreamStart;
else if(lastChunk)
audioChunkInfo.type = nvigi::StreamSignalType::eStreamStop;
// handle error
// IMPORTANT: In this case execution context and all input data MUST BE VALID while audio streaming is active
if(NVIGI_FAILED(res, asrContext.instance->evaluateAsync(asrContext)))
LOG("NVIGI call failed, code %d", res);
// Blocking call - evaluate our instance with all the provided parameters, transcribed text is received via callback on the same thread
if(NVIGI_FAILED(res, asrContext.instance->evaluate(asrContext)))
LOG("NVIGI call failed, code %d", res);
IMPORTANT: When using
the host app must ensure that the execution context and all inputs are valid until all streaming data is processed fully and callback receivesnvigi::kInferenceExecutionStateDone
Once ASR is no longer needed each instance should be destroyed like this:
//! Finally, we destroy our instance(s)
if(NVIGI_FAILED(result, iasrLocal->destroyInstance(asrInstanceLocal)))
//! Check error
Once ASR is no longer needed each interface should be unloaded like this. NOTE only the local inference plugins are provided/supported in this early release. The cloud plugins will be added in a later release:
//! Finally, we unload the interface since we no longer need ASR
if(NVIGI_FAILED(result, nvigiUnloadInterface(nvigi::plugin::asr::ggml::cuda::kId, &iasrLocal)))
//! Check error
NVIGI provides callback mechanism to track/allocated/free GPU resources as defined in the nvigi_cuda.h
header. Here is an example:
// Callback implementations
void MallocReportCallback(void* ptr, size_t size, void* user_context) {
auto* context = static_cast<int*>(user_context);
std::cout << "Malloc Report: Allocated " << size << " bytes at " << ptr
<< " (User context value: " << *context << ")\n";
void FreeReportCallback(void* ptr, size_t size, void* user_context) {
auto* context = static_cast<int*>(user_context);
std::cout << "Free Report: Freed memory at " << ptr
<< " (User context value: " << *context << ")\n";
int32_t MallocCallback(void** ptr, size_t size, int device, bool managed, bool hip, void* user_context) {
auto* context = static_cast<int*>(user_context);
*ptr = malloc(size); // Simulate CUDA malloc
if (*ptr) {
std::cout << "Malloc Callback: Allocated " << size << " bytes on device " << device
<< " (Managed: " << managed << ", HIP: " << hip << ", Context: " << *context << ")\n";
return 0; // Success
return -1; // Failure
int32_t FreeCallback(void* ptr, void* user_context) {
auto* context = static_cast<int*>(user_context);
if (ptr) {
free(ptr); // Simulate CUDA free
std::cout << "Free Callback: Freed memory at " << ptr
<< " (User context value: " << *context << ")\n";
return 0; // Success
return -1; // Failure
// Example usage
CudaParameters params{};
// User context for tracking (e.g., an integer counter)
int userContextValue = 42;
// Set up callbacks
params.cudaMallocReportCallback = MallocReportCallback;
params.cudaMallocReportUserContext = &userContextValue;
params.cudaFreeReportCallback = FreeReportCallback;
params.cudaFreeReportUserContext = &userContextValue;
params.cudaMallocCallback = MallocCallback;
params.cudaMallocUserContext = &userContextValue;
params.cudaFreeCallback = FreeCallback;
params.cudaFreeUserContext = &userContextValue;