By following the steps you indicate:
npx create-nx-workspace@latest
(monorepo with a web app or a typescript app, indifferently)
npm install --save-dev @nativescript/nx
npx nx g @nativescript/nx:app
Once you have the app created, if you use the command npx nx run <app-name>:test:ios
the default NativeScript app created by NativeScript does not use jest, and sends you to start the tests using mocha, jasmine or qunit.
When you change the configuration to use jest (like web app), if you launch the app it doesn't know how to interpret angular modules and imports.
The "moduleResolution" configuration is not able to interpret it correctly so it always fails.
The tests that you have in your repository for the nativesscript application also fail.
These are the errors it gives:
I leave here the repository where you can find this test project: