Containerised mongoDB single node instance
Create security keyfile for the replicas to authenticate eachother with
openssl rand -base64 756 > mykey.key
chmod 400 mykey.key
sudo chown 999:999 mykey.key
Connect with initialsed root user details
mongosh -u root -p rootpassword
Initiate the replica set
Change config so replica set members work correctly
cfg = rs.conf()
cfg.members[0].host = "localhost:27017"
Add a new user for creating users and roles
use admin
user: "userAdmin",
pwd: passwordPrompt(),
roles: [ { role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin" } ]
Disconnect and then login to the admin user
use admin
db.auth("userAdmin", passwordPrompt())
Create a new user to read and write to testdb
use testdb
user: "workerUser",
pwd: passwordPrompt(),
roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "testdb" }],
Insert data into collection dayta
in testdb
Change root user password
mongosh admin -u root -p rootpassword
db.changeUserPassword("root", passwordPrompt())
Create a user for the metrics exporter
use admin
user: "mongodb_exporter",
pwd: passwordPrompt(),
roles: [
{ role: "clusterMonitor", db: "admin" },
{ role: "read", db: "local" }
Place the mongoDB exporter user password into an env
echo "MONGODB_CONNECT_URL=mongodb://mongodb_exporter:[PASSWORDHERE]@mongodb:27017" > .env
Restart both containers to let the mongoDB exporter connect
First marshal the struct into JSON. Make sure all json keys are all lowercase before proceeding to create the schema.
Use JSON Schema to translate the JSON to a valid mongo DB schema. However,
- All
tags must be removed. - All
tags must also be replaced withnumber
db.createCollection("collectionName", {validator: {$jsonSchema:{....}}})