Socket Connection With node Manager
Requests for Node list
- Stand Alone Node
- Shared Node
def request_nodes(msg_type, main_client_sock) : if(msg_type == "shared") : msg = "deployer node_list" else : msg = "deployer new_node" main_client_sock.send(msg.encode())
Calculate Load & Find best Possible Node to deploy Application
Get Statistics
ssh_util class
class ssh_util(): def connect(self): "Login to the remote server" self.client = paramiko.SSHClient() self.client.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) self.client.connect(, username=self.username, password=self.password, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False ) def execute_command(self,commands, vm_ip, vm_username): """Execute a command on the remote host.Return a tuple containing an integer status and a two strings, the first containing stdout and the second containing stderr from the command.""" if self.connect(): stdin, stdout, stderr = self.client.exec_command( command, timeout=10 ) self.ssh_output =
contains All statistics about particular nodessh_util_obj = ssh_util() ssh_ret_flag, ssh_ret_val = ssh_util_obj.execute_command( ["vmstat -s"], vm_ip, username ) total_memory = ssh_ret_val used_memory = ssh_ret_val
Get Statistics
ssh_ret_flag, ssh_ret_val = ssh_util_obj.execute_command( ["echo $[100-$(vmstat 1 2|tail -1|awk '{print $15}')]"], vm_ip, username ) cpu_usage = ssh_ret_val
Calculate Load
def calculate_load(used_memory,total_memory, cpu_usage): ram_usage = used_memory/total_memory * 100 load = (2 * cpu_usage * ram_usage) / (cpu_usage + ram_usage) return load
Perform Operation on Best Node
Run app
def perform_action_app( selected_node_addr, app_instance_id, app_run_type, kill = False) : file_path = get_application_file_path(app_instance_id) msg = "start_app:" + app_instance_id + \ ":bash " + file_path + \ " " + app_instance_id + \ " " + file_path.rsplit('/',1)[0] client_sock.send(msg.encode())
DB Update
to DBjob_id = uuid.uuid4() db_util.insert_into_db( job_id, app_instance_id, selected_node_addr, app_run_type )
to heart beat manager-
Deregister Process
def deregister_to_heart_beat_manager(application_instance_id): request_type = 'deregister' message = "{} {}-{}".format( request_type, "application", application_instance_id ) topic_name = "register_deregister" producer.send(topic_name, message.encode())
Kill Command Send to Node
msg = "kill_app:" + app_instance_id client_sock.send(msg.encode())