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More structured settings in nix store URLs #11106



Currently store settings are passed as query params, mapping the name of settings to strings that are encoded in the same way as nix.conf.

There are two things I don't like about this:

  • I don't like supporting arrays by splitting on spaces, that makes it impossible to have an array element that is a string maintaining a space.
  • I would like to move all the config code down to libmain, but if libstore relies on that (since store URL parsing, or at least StoreReference -> Store, probably should continue to live in libstore) then the config stuff can at most move from libutil to libstore.

A possible solution to get more structured information in the query param is as follows:

  1. Support tag[]=... as described in as a common idiom many web frameworks support (unfortunately not all in the same way). See also This gets us at least to std::map<std::string, std::string | std::vector<std::string>>, as long as no key contains []
  2. A flattening for nested objects, see also That gets us std::map<std::string, nlohmann::json> as long as no key contains . or [].
  3. A single ?__json=<percent-encoded-json> that is less good for humans, but easier for machines, as a complement to 2 and 3.

Supporting this in addition I think is definitely desirable, the real question is can we just support this, and immediately get rid of the old space-splitting logic, or would that be too big a breaking change?

Impact analysis

Here is a way to get the list of settings, bucketed by type

git grep -E -o '^ *(const )?Setting<.*> [a-zA-Z0-9]*' 'src/libstore/*store*' \
  | sed -E 's/: *(const )?Setting<(.*)> (.*)/\t\3\t\2/' \
  | jq -rRs 'split("\n")[1:-1] | map(split("\t")) | reduce .[] as $dot ({}; .[$dot.[2]] += [{"file": $dot.[0], "setting": $dot.[1] }])'

Currently, that gives:

  "bool": [
      "file": "src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh",
      "setting": "writeNARListing"
      "file": "src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh",
      "setting": "writeDebugInfo"
      "file": "src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh",
      "setting": "parallelCompression"
      "file": "src/libstore/local-overlay-store.hh",
      "setting": "checkMount"
      "file": "src/libstore/local-store.hh",
      "setting": "requireSigs"
      "file": "src/libstore/local-store.hh",
      "setting": "readOnly"
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "multipartUpload"
      "file": "src/libstore/ssh-store-config.hh",
      "setting": "compress"
      "file": "src/libstore/store-api.hh",
      "setting": "isTrusted"
      "file": "src/libstore/store-api.hh",
      "setting": "wantMassQuery"
  "Path": [
      "file": "src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh",
      "setting": "secretKeyFile"
      "file": "src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh",
      "setting": "localNarCache"
      "file": "src/libstore/ssh-store-config.hh",
      "setting": "sshKey"
  "int": [
      "file": "src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh",
      "setting": "compressionLevel"
      "file": "src/libstore/legacy-ssh-store.hh",
      "setting": "maxConnections"
      "file": "src/libstore/legacy-ssh-store.hh",
      "setting": "logFD"
      "file": "src/libstore/remote-store.hh",
      "setting": "maxConnections"
      "file": "src/libstore/store-api.hh",
      "setting": "pathInfoCacheSize"
      "file": "src/libstore/store-api.hh",
      "setting": "priority"
  "Strings": [
      "file": "src/libstore/legacy-ssh-store.hh",
      "setting": "remoteProgram"
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "remoteProgram"
  "std::string": [
      "file": "src/libstore/local-overlay-store.hh",
      "setting": "lowerStoreUri"
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "profile"
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "region"
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "scheme"
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "endpoint"
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "narinfoCompression"
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "lsCompression"
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "logCompression"
      "file": "src/libstore/ssh-store-config.hh",
      "setting": "sshPublicHostKey"
      "file": "src/libstore/ssh-store-config.hh",
      "setting": "remoteStore"
  "unsigned int": [
      "file": "src/libstore/remote-store.hh",
      "setting": "maxConnectionAge"
  "uint64_t": [
      "file": "src/libstore/",
      "setting": "bufferSize"
  "StringSet": [
      "file": "src/libstore/store-api.hh",
      "setting": "systemFeatures"

What this says is:

  • Already matches JSON encodings:

    • bool (bool)
    • std::string / Path` (string)
    • uint64_t / unsigned int / int (number)
  • Doesn't match, because array split

    • Strings / StringSet (array of strings)

The latter types are used by these settings:

  • remoteProgram
  • systemFeatures


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    settingsSettings, global flags, nix.confstoreIssues and pull requests concerning the Nix store


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