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Shawon edited this page Feb 5, 2025 · 8 revisions

☄️ helpview.nvim

A hackable & fancy vimdoc viewer for Neovim.


This wiki assumes you have basic understanding of LuaCATS annotations. If you don't, check out this section.

📚 Wiki files

🔩 Configuration

--- Configuration for `helpview.nvim`.
---@class helpview.config
--- Preview options.
---@field preview? helpview.preview
--- Configuration options for vimdoc.
---@field vimdoc? helpview.vimdoc
--- Custom highlight groups.
---@field highlight_groups? table[]
--- Custom renderers
---@field renderers? { [string]: function }

    renderers = {},

    preview = {
        enable = true,
        enable_hybrid_mode = true,

        modes = { "n", "c", "no" },
        hybrid_modes = {},
        linewise_hybrid_mode = false,

        filetypes = { "help" },
        ignore_previews = {},
        ignore_buftypes = {},
        condition = nil,

        max_buf_lines = 500,
        draw_range = { 2 * vim.o.lines, 2 * vim.o.lines },
        edit_range = { 0, 0 },

        debounce = 150,
        callbacks = {},

        icon_provider = "internal",

        splitview_winopts = { split = "right" },
        preview_winopts = { width = math.floor(80) }

    vimdoc = {
        arguments = {
            enable = true,

            default = {
                hl = "Argument",
                padding_left = " ",
                padding_right = " ",

        code_blocks = {
            enable = true,

            border_hl = "Code",

            default = { block_hl = "HelpviewCode" },

            ["diff"] = {
                block_hl = function (_, line)
                    if line:match("^%s*%+") then
                        return "HelpviewPalette4";
                    elseif line:match("^%s*%-") then
                        return "HelpviewPalette1";
                        return "HelpviewCode";

        headings = {
            enable = true,

            heading_1 = {
                sign = " ⣾⣿⠛⣿⣷ ",
                sign_hl = "Palette1Inv",

                marker_hl = "Palette1Bg",

                hl = "Palette1Fg"

            heading_2 = {
                sign = " ⣠⠞⠛⠳⣄ ",
                sign_hl = "Palette2Inv",

                marker_hl = "Palette2",
                hl = "Palette2Fg"

            heading_3 = {
                sign = " ⣯⣤⠛⣤⣽ ",
                sign_hl = "Palette3Inv",

                marker_hl = "Palette3",
                hl = "Palette3"

            heading_4 = {
                sign = " ⠓⣠⣿⣄⠚ ",
                sign_hl = "Palette4Inv",

                marker_hl = "Palette4",
                hl = "Palette4"

        highlight_groups = {
            enable = true

        horizontal_rules = {
            parts = {
                    type = "repeating",
                    repeat_amount = function (buffer)
                        return math.ceil(([buffer].tw - 3) / 2);

                    text = "",
                    hl = {
                        "HelpviewGradient1", "HelpviewGradient1",
                        "HelpviewGradient2", "HelpviewGradient2",
                        "HelpviewGradient3", "HelpviewGradient3",
                        "HelpviewGradient4", "HelpviewGradient4",
                        "HelpviewGradient5", "HelpviewGradient5",
                        "HelpviewGradient6", "HelpviewGradient6",
                        "HelpviewGradient7", "HelpviewGradient7",
                        "HelpviewGradient8", "HelpviewGradient8",
                        "HelpviewGradient8", "HelpviewGradient8",
                    type = "text",
                    text = ""
                    type = "repeating",
                    repeat_amount = function (buffer)
                        return math.floor(([buffer].tw - 3) / 2);
                    direction = "right",

                    text = "",
                    hl = {
                        "HelpviewGradient1", "HelpviewGradient1",
                        "HelpviewGradient2", "HelpviewGradient2",
                        "HelpviewGradient3", "HelpviewGradient3",
                        "HelpviewGradient4", "HelpviewGradient4",
                        "HelpviewGradient5", "HelpviewGradient5",
                        "HelpviewGradient6", "HelpviewGradient6",
                        "HelpviewGradient7", "HelpviewGradient7",
                        "HelpviewGradient8", "HelpviewGradient8",
                        "HelpviewGradient8", "HelpviewGradient8",

        inline_codes = {
            enable = true,

            hl = "Palette5",

            padding_left = " ",
            padding_right = " ",

        keycodes = {
            enable = true,

            default = {
                hl = "Keycode",

                padding_left = " ",
                padding_right = " ",

        modelines = {
            enable = true,

            border = "",
            border_hl = "@text.todo.unchecked",

            data_types = {
                ["nil"] = { value_hl = "@constant.builtin" },
                ["string"] = { value_hl = "String" },
                ["number"] = { value_hl = "Number" },
                ["boolean"] = { value_hl = "Boolean" }

            default = {
                option_hl = "@property",
                value_hl = "Comment"

        notes = {
            enable = true,

            default = {
                hl = "Palette5Inv",
                padding_left = " ",
                padding_right = " ",

            ["[dD]eprecated"] = {
                hl = "Palette1Inv",

            ["[wW]arning"] = {
                hl = "Palette3Inv",

        optionlinks = {
            enable = true,

            default = {
                hl = "Optionlink",
                padding_left = " ",
                padding_right = " ",

        tags = {
            enable = true,

            default = {
                hl = "Tag",

                padding_left = " ",
                padding_right = " ",

            ["%.txt$"] = {
                hl = "Palette3",

        taglinks = {
            enable = true,

            default = {
                hl = "Taglink",

                padding_left = " ",
                padding_right = " ",

        urls = {
            enable = true,

            default = {
                icon = "󰌷 ",
                hl = "@string.special.url.vimdoc",

            ---+${lua, Github sites}

            ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    return string.match(item.label, "[%a%d%-%_%.]+)%/?$");
            ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {
                icon = "󰳐 ",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    return string.match(item.label, "[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+)%/?$");
            ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+/tree/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    local repo, branch = string.match(item.label, "[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+)/tree/([%a%d%-%_%.]+)%/?$");
                    return repo .. " at " .. branch;
            ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+/commits/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/?$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    return string.match(item.label, "[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+/commits/[%a%d%-%_%.]+)%/?$");

            ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/releases$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    return "Releases • " .. string.match(item.label, "[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+)%/releases$");
            ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/tags$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    return "Tags • " .. string.match(item.label, "[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+)%/tags$");
            ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/issues$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    return "Issues • " .. string.match(item.label, "[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+)%/issues$");
            ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/pulls$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    return "Pull requests • " .. string.match(item.label, "[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+)%/pulls$");

            ["[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+%/wiki$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    return "Wiki • " .. string.match(item.label, "[%a%d%-%_%.]+/[%a%d%-%_%.]+)%/wiki$");

            ---+${lua, Commonly used sites by programmers}

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "󰖟 ",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette5Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette4Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "󰓌 ",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette2Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette2Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette6Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette2Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "󱁴 ",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = 9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette6Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette2Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette5Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "󰆦 ",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette0Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette1Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette6Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "󰌻 ",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette5Fg"

            [""] = {
                priority = -9999,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette2Fg"


            ["*#%_?.*$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette4Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    local file, tag = string.match(item.label, "*)#%_?(.*)$");
                    --- The actual website seems to show
                    --- _ in the site name so, we won't
                    --- be replacing `_`s with ` `s.
                    file = string.gsub(file, "%.html$", "");

                    return string.format("%s(%s) - Neovim docs", utils.normalize_str(file), tag);
            ["*$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette4Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    local file = string.match(item.label, "*)$");
                    file = string.gsub(file, "%.html$", "");

                    return string.format("%s - Neovim docs", utils.normalize_str(file));

            [""] = {
                priority = -100,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette4Fg",

            [""] = {
                priority = -100,

                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette4Fg",

            [""] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette4Fg",

            ["*$"] = {
                icon = "",
                hl = "HelpviewPalette5Fg",

                text = function (_, item)
                    if string.match(item.label, "$") then
                        local page_mappings = {
                            annotations = {
                                ["as"] = "@as",
                                ["alias"] = "@alias",
                                ["async"] = "@async",
                                ["cast"] = "@cast",
                                ["class"] = "@class",
                                ["deprecated"] = "@deprecated",
                                ["diagnostic"] = "@diagnostic",
                                ["enum"] = "@enum",
                                ["field"] = "@field",
                                ["generic"] = "@generic",
                                ["meta"] = "@meta",
                                ["module"] = "@module",
                                ["nodiscard"] = "@nodiscard",
                                ["operator"] = "@operator",
                                ["overload"] = "@overload",
                                ["package"] = "@package",
                                ["param"] = "@param",
                                ["see"] = "@see",
                                ["source"] = "@source",
                                ["type"] = "@type",
                                ["vaarg"] = "@vaarg",
                                ["version"] = "@version"

                        local page, section = string.match(item.label, "$");

                        if page_mappings[page] and page_mappings[page][section] then
                            section = page_mappings[page][section];
                            section = utils.normalize_str(string.gsub(section, "%-", " "));

                        return string.format("%s(%s) | Lua Language Server", utils.normalize_str(page), section);
                    elseif string.match(item.label, "") then
                        local page = string.match(item.label, "$");

                        return string.format("%s | Lua Language Server", utils.normalize_str(page));
                        return item.label;


🎇 Commands

This plugin follows the sub-commands approach for creating commands. There is only a single :Helpview command.

It comes with the following sub-commands,


When no sub-command name is provided(or an invalid sub-command is used) :Helpview will run :Helpview Toggle.

Sub-command Arguments Description
Start none Allows attaching to new buffers.
Stop none Prevents attaching to new buffers.
———————————— ——————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
attach buffer, integer Attaches to buffer.
detach buffer, integer Detaches from buffer.
———————————— ——————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
Enable none Enables preview globally.
Disable none Disables preview globally.
Toggle none Toggles preview globally.
———————————— ——————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
enable buffer, integer Enables preview for buffer.
disable buffer, integer Disables preview for buffer.
toggle buffer, integer Toggles preview for buffer.
———————————— ——————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
splitOpen buffer, integer Opens splitview for buffer.
splitClose none Closes any open splitview.
splitToggle none Toggles splitview.
splitRedraw none Updates splitview contents.
———————————— ——————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
Render none Updates preview of all active buffers.
Clear none Clears preview of all active buffer.
———————————— ——————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
render buffer, integer Renders preview for buffer.
clear buffer, integer Clears preview for buffer.
———————————— ——————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
toggleAll none Deprecated version of Toggle.
enableAll none Deprecated version of Enable.
disableAll none Deprecated version of Disable.
———————————— ——————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
traceExport none Exports trace logs to trace.txt.
traceShow none Shows trace logs in a window.


buffer defaults to the current buffer. So, you can run commands on the current buffer without providing the buffer.

:Helpview toggle "Toggles preview of the current buffer.

🎨 Highlight groups

helpgiew.nvim creates a number of primary highlight groups that are used by most of the decorations.


These groups are all generated during runtime and as such their colors may look different.

If you want to create your own dynamic highlight groups or modify existing ones, see the custom highlight groups section.

Highlight group Generated from Default
HelpviewPalette0 Normal(bg) + Comment(fg) fg: #9399b2 bg: #35374a
HelpviewPalette0Fg Comment(fg) fg: #9399b2
HelpviewPalette0Bg Normal(bg) + Comment(fg) bg: #35374a
HelpviewPalette0Sign Normal(bg) + Comment(fg), LineNr(bg) fg: #9399b2
———————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————
HelpviewPalette1 Normal(bg) + markdownH1(fg) fg: #f38ba8 bg: #4d3649
HelpviewPalette1Fg markdownH1(fg) fg: #f38ba8
HelpviewPalette1Bg Normal(bg) + markdownH1(fg) bg: #4d3649
HelpviewPalette1Sign Normal(bg) + markdownH1(fg), LineNr(bg) fg: #f38ba8
———————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————
HelpviewPalette2 Normal(bg) + markdownH2(fg) fg: #f9b387 bg: #4d3d43
HelpviewPalette2Fg markdownH2(fg) fg: #f9b387
HelpviewPalette2Bg Normal(bg) + markdownH2(fg) bg: #4d3d43
HelpviewPalette2Sign Normal(bg) + markdownH2(fg), LineNr(bg) fg: #f9b387
———————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————
HelpviewPalette3 Normal(bg) + markdownH3(fg) fg: #f9e2af bg: #4c474b
HelpviewPalette3Fg markdownH3(fg) fg: #f9e2af
HelpviewPalette3Bg Normal(bg) + markdownH3(fg) bg: #4c474b
HelpviewPalette3Sign Normal(bg) + markdownH3(fg), LineNr(bg) fg: #f9e2af
———————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————
HelpviewPalette4 Normal(bg) + markdownH4(fg) fg: #a6e3a1 bg: #3c4948
HelpviewPalette4Fg markdownH4(fg) fg: #a6e3a1
HelpviewPalette4Bg Normal(bg) + markdownH4(fg) bg: #3c4948
HelpviewPalette4Sign Normal(bg) + markdownH4(fg), LineNr(bg) fg: #a6e3a1
———————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————
HelpviewPalette5 Normal(bg) + markdownH5(fg) fg: #74c7ec bg: #314358
HelpviewPalette5Fg markdownH5(fg) fg: #74c7ec
HelpviewPalette5Bg Normal(bg) + markdownH5(fg) bg: #314358
HelpviewPalette5Sign Normal(bg) + markdownH5(fg), LineNr(bg) fg: #74c7ec
———————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————
HelpviewPalette6 Normal(bg) + markdownH6(fg) fg: #b4befe bg: #3c405b
HelpviewPalette6Fg markdownH6(fg) fg: #b4befe
HelpviewPalette6Bg Normal(bg) + markdownH6(fg) bg: #3c405b
HelpviewPalette6Sign Normal(bg) + markdownH6(fg), LineNr(bg) fg: #b4befe
———————————————————— ———————————————————————————————————————— ———————————————————————————
HelpviewPalette7 Normal(bg) + @conditional(fg) fg: #cba6f7 bg: #403b5a
HelpviewPalette7Fg @conditional(fg) fg: #cba6f7
HelpviewPalette7Bg Normal(bg) + @conditional(fg) bg: #403b5a
HelpviewPalette7Sign Normal(bg) + @conditional(fg), LineNr(bg) fg: #cba6f7

The source highlight group's values are turned into Lab color-space and then mixed to reduce unwanted results.

These groups are then used as links by other groups responsible for various preview elements,


These groups exist for the sake of backwards compatibility and ease of use.

You will see something like fg: Normal, it means the fg of Normal was used as the fg of that group.

Highlight group value
HelpviewCode bg*: normal ± 5%(L)
HelpviewCodeInfo bg*: normal ± 5%(L), fg: comment
HelpviewCodeFg fg*: normal ± 5%(L)
HelpviewInlineCode fg*: normal ± 10%(L)
————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
HelpviewIcon0 link**: HelpviewPalette0Fg
HelpviewIcon1 link**: HelpviewPalette1Fg
HelpviewIcon2 link**: HelpviewPalette5Fg
HelpviewIcon3 link**: HelpviewPalette4Fg
HelpviewIcon4 link**: HelpviewPalette3Fg
HelpviewIcon5 link**: HelpviewPalette2Fg
————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————
HelpviewGradient0 fg: Normal
HelpviewGradient1 fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 1/9)
HelpviewGradient2 fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 2/9)
HelpviewGradient3 fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 3/9)
HelpviewGradient4 fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 4/9)
HelpviewGradient5 fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 5/9)
HelpviewGradient6 fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 6/9)
HelpviewGradient7 fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 7/9)
HelpviewGradient8 fg***: lerp(Normal, Title, 8/9)
HelpviewGradient9 fg: Title

* = The color is converted to HSL and it's luminosity(L) is increased/decreased by the specified amount.

** = The background color of HelpviewCode is added to the groups.

*** = Linearly interpolated value between 2 highlight groups fg.

There are also highlight groups that are made using the default highlight groups

Highlight group Inherited from
HelpviewTag @label.vimdoc
HelpviewTag @label.vimdoc
HelpviewKeycode @string.special.vimdoc
HelpviewArgument @variable.parameter.vimdoc

Also available in vimdoc, :h helpview.nvim.

Clone this wiki locally