According to the documentation here, setXAxisValues() "Only works for scatter charts." but that's not exactly true. This option also sets the Series to be used as Category on non-scatterplots.
P.S. please don't remove the ability for setXAxisValues() to work on non-scatterplots! It's incredibly useful to be able to set the Categories.
Document Details
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- ID: 42b3de0a-c96d-ac52-29aa-542f8cfe6828
- Version Independent ID: c7947dc0-3471-d63b-acf6-626c2260d138
- Content: Excel.ChartSeries class - Office Add-ins
- Content Source: docs/docs-ref-autogen/excel/excel/excel.chartseries.yml
- Product: excel
- Technology: add-ins
- GitHub Login: @o365devx
- Microsoft Alias: o365devx