We are developing an web addin forOutlook platforms using Office js framework ,
We try to fetch the metadata(attachment Id, name, size, type) of the attachments via Office.context.mailbox.item.getAttachmentsAsync but sometimes the attachment id comes in some different format in MAC New Outlook.
Your Environment
- Platform [PC desktop, Mac, iOS, Office on the web]: MAC
- Host [Excel, Word, PowerPoint, etc.]: Outlook
- Operating System: MAC
Expected behavior
The attachment id extracted via should not be coming in some different format in MAC Outlook app.
Current behavior
We try to fetch the metadata(attachment Id, name, size, type) of the attachments via Office.context.mailbox.item.getAttachmentsAsync but sometimes the attachment id comes in different format.
If the attachment id is received in different format then the attachment which is already validated once gets re-validated if another attachment is attached.
See the highlighted text for attachmentID in different format(362{}).
Also, see the video below to repro this issue
Steps to reproduce
- Compose a new email
- Add recipients
- Add subject and body
- Click on send
- Once the pane is displayed , attach more than 3 attachments.
- Now attach 1 more attachment and check for attachment ID displayed in task pane for all attachments together.
- Continue doing step 6 for 3 to 4 times and you will see a different attachmentID coming.
Note:- This issue is intermittent and happening 6/10 times