This acticle describes, that the installation prompt pop-up is supposed to be shown to user, if such Add-In is not installed.
(see screenshot below)
This code works as expected with the old Outlook Desktop, but the prompt does not get triggerred in the new Outlook Desktop.
"type": "Action.InvokeAddInCommand",
"title": "${replyWithOutlookAddInButton.label}",
"addInId": "${replyWithOutlookAddInButton.addInId}",
"desktopCommandId": "msgReadOpenPaneButton",
"isEnabled": true,
"isPrimary": false,
"tooltip": "${replyWithOutlookAddInButton.tooltip}"
Is there something different about the new and the old Outlook Desktop clients?
Feel free to ask for more details
Document Details
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- ID: b948883f-055a-1e6a-791d-84338fc437a5
- Version Independent ID: 62b37158-dc1a-bfbe-d7ff-ba1963de950c
- Content: Invoke an Outlook add-in from an actionable message - Outlook Developer
- Content Source: docs/actionable-messages/
- Service: outlook
- Sub-service: o365-connectors
- GitHub Login: @jasonjoh
- Microsoft Alias: jasonjoh