You can use a personal key or deploy keys.
If using a personal key, you can use the same key for both repositories.
If using deploy keys, you will need two:
- One with write access to SoT
- One with write access to Destination
The recommended way is to use deploy keys
Depending on your choice, you will need to attach the public key to a user (personal key) or a repository (deploy key).
In both your SoT and destination repos, add a new secret SSH_KEY
and copy the private key as the value.
ssh-keygen -N "" -m PEM -t rsa -f temp_key -q
echo "\n\nPrivate key to copy in the SSH_KEY secret of first repo:\n\n"
cat temp_key
echo "\n\n\n\nPublic key to copy in your profile or as a deploy key of second repo (with write access):\n\n"
rm -rf temp_key