sample project does not connect over stdio channel in vscode #1176
This library looks like an incredible project, so first off, thank you!
I was trying to get up and running with a vs-code extension client for the server, and following the sample project in this repo, I was having a devil of a time.
I got it working by changing vs-code to use the TransporkKind.pipe
instead of stdio.
In the Program.cs
, I did something like this,
public static class Program
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var pipeAddr = "";
foreach (var t in args)
if (!t.StartsWith("--pipe=")) continue;
pipeAddr = t.Substring("--pipe=".Length);
Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration()
.WriteTo.File("log.txt", rollingInterval: RollingInterval.Day)
var pipeClient = new NamedPipeClientStream(pipeAddr);
await pipeClient.ConnectAsync();
// the LanguageServer.From( .... goes here
And then when creating the input/output for the language server, doing this,
If I used stdio and the listed sample code to get the input/output streams from Console
, then I would get errors from vscode about Content-Length not being supplied on the messages.
I mostly wanted to leave this here as a trace in case anyone else found it useful.
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