- What functionality must be in the app and what can be handled with google spread sheets and email
- How do CCs notify RDMs - just forward the notififcation email they get?
- How do rdm's find / filter aps. Link in email from CC? Need to filter / sort on status?
- Which application fields should the rdm be able to edit? - just status, evaluation
- How present file in emails? name only - or add link too?
- Is backend access speed acceptable - we can look at optimising
- is the Netlify auth widget acceptable - so far unable to style - maybe change in long term. Test on mobile
- Need a domain or sub-domain of twam.
- is netlify form pricing a problem? How else handle? Could be easy to implement. Need to store files though
- what will we do in production about backend errors - eg cant write to sheet
- what about email data problems - eg no email for a role - send to fall back address?
- decide how to access google sheets 1) fast but enable publish to all, 2) slow but works with current config
- how scalable? - tried with 1000 app rows - seems good
- how to protect the sheet from unwanted changes?
- security concerns - are we OK with relaxations required for access on main GApp
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