On Arch Linux. Protonect was working yesterday, but today it starts, creates a window, but then freezes before the video feeds show up, forcing me to kill the process. Here's the output:
Version: 0.2.0
Environment variables: LOGFILE=<protonect.log>
Usage: ./bin/Protonect [-gpu=<id>] [gl | cl | clkde | cuda | cudakde | cpu] [<device serial>]
[-noviewer] [-norgb | -nodepth] [-help] [-version]
[-frames <number of frames to process>]
To pause and unpause: pkill -USR1 Protonect
[Info] [Freenect2Impl] enumerating devices...
[Info] [Freenect2Impl] 17 usb devices connected
[Info] [Freenect2Impl] found valid Kinect v2 @2:3 with serial 215110434247
[Info] [Freenect2Impl] found 1 devices
DRM_IOCTL_I915_GEM_APERTURE failed: Invalid argument
Assuming 131072kB available aperture size.
May lead to reduced performance or incorrect rendering.
get chip id failed: -1 [22]
param: 4, val: 0
i915 does not support EXECBUFER2
libva error: /usr/lib/dri/ init failed
[Error] [VaapiRgbPacketProcessorImpl] vaInitialize(display, &major_ver, &minor_ver): unknown libva error
[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] opening...
[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] transfer pool sizes rgb: 20*16384 ir: 60*8*33792
[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] opened
[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] starting...
[Debug] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] status 0x090000: 1073750028
[Debug] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] status 0x090000: timeout
[Debug] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] status 0x090000: 1073750028
[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] submitting rgb transfers...
[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] submitting depth transfers...
[Info] [Freenect2DeviceImpl] started
device serial: 215110434247
device firmware: 4.0.3917.0
Anyone seen this before?
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