File tree
3,524 files changed
lines changed- .github
- actions
- environment/complex-variables
- git/resolve-tag
- js/setup
- odd-resource-analysis
- action
- lib
- helpers
- dist
- workflows
- abr-testing
- abr_testing
- automation
- data_collection
- protocol_simulation
- protocols
- active_protocols
- csv_parameters
- liquid_setups
- test_protocols
- tools
- analyses-snapshot-testing
- automation/data
- files
- protocols
- tests/__snapshots__/analyses_snapshot_test
- api
- docs
- v1
- v2
- complex_commands
- modules
- pipettes
- src/opentrons
- calibration_storage
- ot2
- models
- ot3/models
- cli
- config
- drivers
- absorbance_reader
- asyncio/communication
- flex_stacker
- heater_shaker
- temp_deck
- thermocycler
- hardware_control
- backends
- emulation
- module_server
- instruments
- ot2
- ot3
- modules
- protocols
- legacy_commands
- protocol_api
- core
- engine
- legacy
- legacy_simulator
- protocol_engine
- actions
- clients
- commands
- absorbance_reader
- calibration
- flex_stacker
- heater_shaker
- magnetic_module
- robot
- temperature_module
- thermocycler
- unsafe
- errors
- execution
- notes
- resources
- state
- module_substates
- types
- protocol_reader
- protocol_runner
- protocols
- advanced_control/transfers
- api_support
- models
- parameters
- util
- tests/opentrons
- calibration_storage
- config
- drivers
- absorbance_reader
- asyncio/communication
- flex_stacker
- heater_shaker
- temp_deck
- thermocycler
- hardware_control
- backends
- instruments
- modules
- protocol_api
- core
- engine
- legacy
- protocol_api_integration
- protocol_api_old/core/simulator
- protocol_engine
- clients
- commands
- absorbance_reader
- flex_stacker
- robot
- unsafe
- errors
- execution
- resources
- state
- protocol_runner
- smoke_tests
- protocols
- advanced_control/transfers
- geometry
- models
- api-client/src
- maintenance_runs
- modules
- runs
- commands
- app
- src
- App
- __mocks__
- __tests__
- DesignTokens/Spacing
- __testing-utils__
- assets
- images
- localization
- en
- zh
- atoms
- InlineNotification
- __tests__
- InstrumentContainer/__tests__
- Link
- __tests__
- ProgressBar
- __tests__
- SelectField
- Skeleton/__tests__
- Slideout
- __tests__
- SoftwareKeyboard
- AlphanumericKeyboard
- __tests__
- FullKeyboard
- __tests__
- IndividualKey
- __tests__
- NumericalKeyboard
- __tests__
- StatusLabel/__tests__
- StepMeter/__tests__
- buttons
- __tests__
- structure
- __tests__
- local-resources
- commands
- hooks
- useCommandTextString
- utils
- commandText
- utils
- config
- dom-utils
- hooks
- __tests__
- instruments
- __tests__
- labware
- hooks
- utils
- modules
- utils
- molecules
- BackgroundOverlay
- __tests__
- CardButton/__tests__
- CollapsibleSection
- Command
- __fixtures__
- FileUpload/__tests__
- GenericWizardTile
- __tests__
- InProgressModal
- __tests__
- InfoMessage/__tests__
- InstrumentCard
- InterventionModal
- InterventionContent
- __tests__
- story-utils
- JogControls
- MiniCard
- __tests__
- ModuleIcon/__tests__
- ModuleInfo
- __tests__
- ODDBackButton
- __tests__
- OT2CalibrationNeedHelpLink
- OddModal
- __tests__
- OffsetVector
- __tests__
- PythonLabwareOffsetSnippet
- SimpleWizardBody
- __tests__
- ToggleGroup
- __tests__
- UnorderedList
- UpdateBanner/__tests__
- UploadInput
- WizardHeader/__tests__
- WizardRequiredEquipmentList
- modals
- organisms
- ApplyHistoricOffsets
- Desktop
- AdvancedSettings
- Alerts
- AppSettings/__tests__
- CalibrateDeck
- __tests__
- CalibratePipetteOffset
- __tests__
- CalibrateTipLength
- __tests__
- CalibrationError/__tests__
- CalibrationPanels
- Introduction/__tests__
- __tests__
- CalibrationStatusCard/__tests__
- CalibrationTaskList/__tests__
- CheckCalibration
- ResultsSummary/__tests__
- __tests__
- ChooseProtocolSlideout
- __tests__
- ChooseRobotSlideout
- __tests__
- ChooseRobotToRunProtocolSlideout
- __tests__
- Devices
- ChangePipette
- __tests__
- ConfigurePipette
- __tests__
- ErrorRecoveryBanner/__tests__
- GripperCard
- __tests__
- PipetteCard
- __tests__
- ProtocolRun
- ProtocolRunHeader
- RunHeaderBannerContainer
- __tests__
- RunHeaderContent
- ActionButton
- hooks
- RunHeaderModalContainer
- hooks
- modals
- HeaterShakerIsRunningModal/__tests__
- __tests__
- __tests__
- hooks
- SetupLabware
- __tests__
- SetupLabwarePositionCheck
- __tests__
- SetupLiquids
- __tests__
- SetupModuleAndDeck
- __tests__
- __tests__
- RobotSettings
- AdvancedTab
- AdvancedTabSlideouts
- __tests__
- __tests__
- ConnectNetwork
- ConnectModal
- __tests__
- SelectSsid
- UpdateBuildroot
- __tests__
- RunPreview
- __tests__
- hooks
- __tests__
- HowCalibrationWorksModal/__tests__
- Labware
- AddCustomLabwareSlideout
- __tests__
- LabwareCard
- __tests__
- LabwareDetails
- StyledComponents
- __tests__
- __tests__
- ProtocolAnalysisFailure
- __tests__
- ProtocolDetails
- ProtocolParameters/__tests__
- __tests__
- ProtocolTimelineScrubber
- ProtocolsLanding
- __tests__
- RobotSettingsCalibration
- CalibrationDetails
- __tests__
- __tests__
- RunProgressMeter
- __tests__
- hooks
- SendProtocolToFlexSlideout/__tests__
- SystemLanguagePreferenceModal
- __tests__
- UpdateAppModal
- __tests__
- UpdateRobotBanner
- __tests__
- DeviceDetailsDeckConfiguration
- __tests__
- DropTipWizardFlows
- __tests__
- hooks
- __tests__
- useTipAttachmentStatus
- __tests__
- steps
- EmergencyStop
- __tests__
- ErrorRecoveryFlows
- RecoveryOptions
- __tests__
- __fixtures__
- __tests__
- hooks
- __tests__
- utils
- __tests__
- FirmwareUpdateModal/__tests__
- GripperWizardFlows
- __tests__
- IncompatibleModule
- __tests__
- hooks/__tests__
- InterventionModal
- __tests__
- utils
- LabwareOffsetTabs
- LabwarePositionCheck
- IntroScreen
- LPCFlows
- hooks
- useLPCLabwareInfo
- hooks
- useLPCCommands
- commands
- useLPCInitialState
- utils
- steps
- BeforeBeginning
- HandleLabware
- EditOffset
- LPCLabwareDetails
- LPCLabwareList
- PrepareLabware
- LPCComplete
- types
- utils
- LegacyApplyHistoricOffsets
- __tests__
- hooks
- __tests__
- LegacyLabwarePositionCheck
- IntroScreen
- __fixtures__
- __tests__
- utils
- __tests__
- LiquidsLabwareDetailsModal
- __tests__
- LocationConflictModal
- __tests__
- ModuleCard
- __tests__
- ModuleWizardFlows
- InstrumentInfo
- __tests__
- InstrumentMountItem
- __tests__
- NameRobot/__tests__
- NetworkSettings
- __tests__
- ProtocolSetup
- ProtocolSetupDeckConfiguration
- __tests__
- ProtocolSetupInstruments
- ProtocolSetupLabware
- __tests__
- ProtocolSetupLiquids
- __tests__
- ProtocolSetupModulesAndDeck
- __tests__
- ProtocolSetupOffsets
- ProtocolSetupParameters
- __tests__
- ProtocolSetupStep
- QuickTransferFlow
- QuickTransferAdvancedSettings
- TipManagement
- __tests__
- QuickTransferAdvancedSettings
- TipManagement
- utils
- RobotDashboard
- __tests__
- hooks/__tests__
- RobotSettingsDashboard
- NetworkSettings
- __tests__
- __tests__
- RobotSetupHeader
- RunningProtocol
- __tests__
- PipetteWizardFlows
- __tests__
- TakeoverModal
- __tests__
- TerseOffsetTable
- ToasterOven
- UpdateRobotSoftware
- __tests__
- WellSelection
- pages
- Desktop
- AppSettings
- __test__
- Labware
- __tests__
- Protocols/ProtocolDetails
- ChooseLanguage
- __tests__
- ConnectViaEthernet/__tests__
- ConnectViaWifi
- DeckConfiguration
- InitialLoadingScreen
- InstrumentDetail
- InstrumentsDashboard
- __tests__
- NameRobot
- ProtocolDashboard
- __tests__
- ProtocolDetails
- __tests__
- ProtocolSetup
- __tests__
- QuickTransferDashboard
- __tests__
- QuickTransferDetails
- __tests__
- RobotDashboard/__tests__
- RobotSettingsDashboard
- __tests__
- RunSummary
- RunningProtocol
- __tests__
- redux
- analytics
- __tests__
- config
- __tests__
- modules
- pipettes/__fixtures__
- protocol-runs
- actions
- constants
- lpc
- reducer
- transforms
- selectors
- lpc
- labware
- types
- protocol-storage
- robot-update
- __tests__
- shell
- system-info
- redux-resources
- analytics/hooks
- __tests__
- config/__tests__
- robots/hooks/__tests__
- runs/hooks
- resources
- analysis/hooks/__tests__
- calibration/__tests__
- deck_configuration
- devices/hooks/__tests__
- instruments
- __tests__
- modules/hooks/__tests__
- networking/hooks/__tests__
- protocols
- hooks
- __tests__
- runs
- __tests__
- transformations
- analysis
- commands
- hooks/__tests__
- transformations
- app-shell
- build
- src
- __fixtures__
- __tests__
- config
- __tests__
- protocol-storage/__tests__
- app-shell-odd
- src/config
- __fixtures__
- __tests__
- components
- src
- alerts
- assets/localization
- en
- zh
- atoms
- Checkbox
- __tests__
- CheckboxField
- __tests__
- Chip/__tests__
- Divider
- InputField
- __tests__
- ListButton
- ListButtonChildren
- __tests__
- ListItem
- __tests__
- MenuList
- __tests__
- Snackbar/__tests__
- StyledText
- Tag
- __tests__
- Toast/__tests__
- ToggleGroup/__tests__
- Tooltip
- __tests__
- buttons
- __tests__
- buttons
- controls
- forms
- __tests__
- hardware-sim
- BaseDeck
- Deck
- DeckConfigurator
- DeckSlotLocation
- Labware
- labwareInternals
- Module
- Pipette/__tests__
- ProtocolDeck
- utils
- RobotCoordinateSpace
- hooks
- __tests__
- icons
- instrument
- __tests__
- interaction-enhancers
- lists
- modals
- __tests__
- molecules
- Banner
- __tests__
- DeckInfoLabel
- __tests__
- DeckLabel
- __tests__
- DropdownMenu
- __tests__
- InfoScreen
- __tests__
- LiquidIcon/__tests__
- ParametersTable/__tests__
- Tabs
- __tests__
- organisms
- CommandText
- __tests__
- fixtures
- useCommandTextString
- utils
- __tests__
- commandText
- __tests__
- DeckLabelSet
- __tests__
- ProtocolTimelineScrubber
- Toolbox
- __tests__
- primitives
- structure
- testing/utils
- tooltips
- g-code-testing
- g_code_test_data
- hardware
- opentrons_hardware
- drivers/can_bus
- firmware_bindings
- hardware_control
- tests/opentrons_hardware/hardware_control
- hardware-testing
- hardware_testing
- gravimetric
- liquid_class
- liquid_sense
- modules
- flex_stacker_evt_qc
- opentrons_api
- production_qc
- gripper_assembly_qc_ot3
- pipette_assembly_qc_ot3
- robot_assembly_qc_ot3
- protocols
- gravimetric_lpc
- gravimetric
- photometric
- liquid_sense
- liquid_sense_lpc
- scripts
- labware-library/src
- labware-creator
- components/sections
- localization
- opentrons-ai-client
- src
- __testing-utils__
- assets/localization/en
- atoms
- ResizeBar
- SendButton/__tests__
- TextAreaField
- molecules
- Accordion
- __tests__
- ChatDisplay
- __tests__
- ControlledRadioButtonGroup
- InputPrompt/__tests__
- PrimaryFloatingButton/__tests__
- PromptPreview
- __tests__
- PromptPreviewSection
- __tests__
- UploadInput
- organisms
- ApplicationSection
- InstrumentsSection
- __tests__
- LabwareLiquidsSection
- LabwareModal
- PromptButton/__tests__
- StepsSection
- pages
- CreateProtocol
- __tests__
- UpdateProtocol
- resources
- hooks/__tests__
- utils
- opentrons-ai-server
- api
- data
- domain
- handler
- models
- storage/docs
- tests/helpers
- package-testing
- performance-metrics
- src/performance_metrics/system_resource_tracker
- protocol-designer
- cypress
- e2e
- support
- fixtures/protocol/8
- src
- __testing-utils__
- __tests__
- analytics
- __tests__
- assets
- images
- localization/en
- atoms
- ToggleButton
- components
- BatchEditForm
- __tests__
- ColorPicker
- DeckSetup
- LabwareOverlays
- __tests__
- __tests__
- FileSidebar
- __tests__
- utils
- __tests__
- FormManager
- Hints
- IngredientsList
- LabwareDetailsCard
- KnowledgeBaseLink
- LabwareSelectionModal
- __tests__
- LiquidPlacementForm
- LiquidsPage
- LiquidsSidebar
- SettingsPage
- FeatureFlagCard
- Slideout
- StepEditForm
- ButtonRow
- __tests__
- fields
- ChangeTipField
- DropTipField
- __tests__
- FlowRateField
- __tests__
- LabwareLocationField
- PathField
- PickUpTipField
- _tests__
- TipPositionField
- __tests__
- TipWellSelectionField
- __tests__
- WellOrderField
- WellSelectionField
- __tests__
- forms
- CommentForm
- HeaterShakerForm
- MoveLabwareForm
- MoveLiquidForm
- ThermocyclerForm
- __tests__
- StepSelectionBanner
- __tests__
- __tests__
- alerts
- forms
- labware
- __tests__
- lists
- __tests__
- modals
- CreateFileWizard
- __tests__
- EditModulesModal
- __tests__
- EditPipettesModal
- FilePipettesModal
- __tests__
- FileUploadMessageModal
- __tests__
- LabwareUploadMessageModal
- __tests__
- modules
- __tests__
- portals
- steplist
- MultiSelectToolbar
- TerminalItem
- __tests__
- containers
- __tests__
- css
- feature-flags
- file-data
- helpers
- selectors
- labware-defs
- labware-ingred
- __tests__
- actions
- reducers
- liquid-defs
- load-file
- migration
- utils
- modules
- molecules
- CheckboxExpandStepFormField
- CheckboxStepFormField
- DropdownStepFormField
- InputStepFormField
- LiquidButton
- __tests__
- SettingsIcon
- ToggleExpandStepFormField
- ToggleStepFormField
- organisms
- Alerts
- __tests__
- AnnouncementModal
- __tests__
- AssignLiquidsModal
- AutoAddPauseUntilTempStepModal
- BlockingHintModal
- ConfirmDeleteModal
- ConfirmDeleteStagingAreaModal
- DefineLiquidsModal
- DisabledScreen
- EditInstrumentsModal
- __tests__
- EditNickNameModal
- __tests__
- EditProtocolMetadataModal
- __tests__
- FileUploadMessagesModal
- GateModal
- IncompatibleTipsModal/__tests__
- Kitchen
- Labware
- LabwareOnDeck
- LabwareUploadModal/_tests__
- MaterialsListModal
- __tests__
- PipetteInfoItem
- __tests__
- Portal
- RenameStepModal
- __tests__
- SelectWellsModal
- __tests__
- SettingsIcon
- __tests__
- SlotDetailsContainer
- SlotInformation
- __tests__
- TipPositionModal
- __tests__
- WellOrderModal
- __tests__
- pages
- CreateNewProtocolWizard
- __tests__
- Designer
- DeckSetup
- __tests__
- Offdeck
- __tests__
- ProtocolSteps
- BatchEditToolbox
- StepForm
- PipetteFields
- StepTools
- AbsorbanceReaderTools
- __tests__
- HeaterShakerTools
- MagnetTools
- MixTools
- MoveLabwareTools
- MoveLiquidTools
- TemperatureTools
- ThermocyclerTools
- __tests__
- __tests__
- hooks
- __tests__
- Timeline
- __tests__
- __tests__
- __tests__
- Landing
- __tests__
- Liquids
- __tests__
- ProtocolOverview
- __tests__
- Settings
- __tests__
- pipettes
- resources
- step-forms
- actions
- reducers
- selectors
- test
- utils
- steplist
- actions
- fieldLevel
- formLevel
- getDisabledFields
- handleFormChange
- test
- stepFormToArgs
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
3,524 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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14 | 14 |
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16 | 17 |
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17 | 18 |
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39 | 39 |
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40 | 40 |
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41 | 41 |
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44 | 45 |
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179 | 180 |
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180 | 181 |
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181 | 182 |
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189 | 209 |
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191 | 211 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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0 commit comments