It might be useful to have a recognized element of the protocol metadata dict for versioning of a protocol itself (not the version of the required API). This could be automatically appended to the title, or shown elsewhere in the protocol summary. In addition to this, it might enable a version control tab within the protocol summary, where a specific version of the protocol could be selected before starting the run setup.
For context, while designing protocols for SOPs/STMs using the Opentrons Python API (particularly for the Flex platform), there are iterations of the protocol that mimic iterations of the SOP/STM being designed. This could help keep the Flex screen less crowded with manually named versions of the same protocol (i.e. STM001_v1.1, STM001_v1.2, etc.) and more densely populated with different protocols for different STMs (i.e. STM001, STM002, etc.).
Implementation details
No response
Acceptance criteria
No response