bug: custom deepwell plate gets dropped onto magnet and is not picked up by gripper #17238
I am trying to move a custom deepwell plate from an Opentrons flex deck position onto the magnet and from the magnet to the heater shaker module using the gripper. Both things fail. Moving onto the magnet is basically a drop instead of a move and picking up fails completely, because the gripper closes above the deep well plate.
In contrast, moving the same plate to the heater shaker module from a random deck position works just fine. I can also use the NEST 2 mL 96-Well Deep Well Plate, V Bottom def. with my protocol and all moving steps to the magnet work. I am therefore assuming that the pre-build (NEST) plate definition contains some type of special offset information for the gripper that I can't add by using the custom labware editor/creator. I checked the Stacking Offset for Magnetic Block GEN1 and set it to 78 mm (see attached labware definition).
How can I get this working for a custom deep well plate?
Steps to reproduce
Current behavior
No response
Expected behavior
No response
Operating system
System and robot setup or anything else?
app version 8.2.0
connection by USB