A data-driven design, production ready Firestore client for React/Redux. The fastest UI & DX for Firestore.
- instant UI updates
- zero boilerplate redux: no reducers, no slices, no selectors, no entity mappers, no normalization
- data-driven tests: no boilerplate, no mocks, seemlessly switch between unit & integation tests
- offline first NoSQL with live subscriptions
useRead({ path, ...query })
Load, query & subscribe to live updates from Firestore.
const taskList = useRead({ path: 'tasks' });
const taskOne = useRead({
path: 'tasks',
id: 'task-one'
const taskQuery = useRead({
path: 'tasks',
where: [
['status', '==', 'done'],
['assignee', '==', myUID]
orderBy: ['createdAt', 'desc'],
useCache({ path, id })
Select a document directly from the normalized, in-memory Redux store.
const readTask = useCache({
path: 'tasks',
id: taskOne.id
createMutate({ action, read, write })
Create a Redux action creator to create, update & delete data. Mutations synchrnously update the Redux store making React components feel instant.
const archiveTask = createMutate({
action: 'ArchiveTask',
read: (taskId) => ({ taskId: () => taskId }),
write: ({ taskId }) => ({
id: taskId,
archived: true
Action creators return a promise when Firestore accepts or rejects your mutation.
.then(() => alert('task archived.'));
it.each([{ payload, mutation, returned }])(...shouldPass)
it.each([{ payload, returned }])(...shouldFail)
Zero bolierplate testing. No mocks or spies; just data. Instantly switch between unit & integration tests.
const USE_EMULATOR = false;
payload: 'task-one',
mutation: {
id: 'task-one',
archived: true
}])(...shouldPass(archiveTask, USE_EMULATOR));
payload: 'task-one',
returned: new Error('Document not found.'),
}])(...shouldFail(archiveTask, USE_EMULATOR));
setCache({[alias]: [DocumentOne, DocumentTwo]});
Storybook tests are as simple as providing the data that should return to the useRead & useCache calls.
const cache = setCache({
myAlias: [
{ path:'tasks', id:'task-one', title: 'test task' }
export const Default = (): JSX.Element => (
<Provider store={cache}>
<TaskList />
[link to docs]
What's DoD (Data Oriented Design)?
yarn add read-write-firestore firebase @reduxjs/toolkit
import { configureStore, ThunkAction, Action } from '@reduxjs/toolkit';
import {
} from 'read-write-firestore';
import thunk from 'redux-thunk';
import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app';
// Create store with reducers and initial state
export const store = configureStore({
// Add Firebase to reducers
reducer: combineReducers({
firebase: firebaseReducer,
firestore: firestoreReducer,
middleware: [
export type AppDispatch = typeof store.dispatch;
export type RootState = ReturnType<typeof store.getState>;
export type AppThunk<ReturnType = void> = ThunkAction<
Then pass store to your component's context using react-redux's Provider
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import App from './App';
import { store } from './app/store';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
import {
} from 'read-write-firestore';
import firebase from 'firebase/compat/app';
import 'firebase/compat/firestore';
import 'firebase/compact/auth';
const firebaseApp = firebase.initializeApp({
authDomain: process.env.REACT_APP_FIREBASE_authDomain,
databaseURL: process.env.REACT_APP_FIREBASE_databaseUrl,
projectId: process.env.REACT_APP_FIREBASE_projectId,
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
const isLoading = useRead({ path, id }) === undefined;
const hasNoResults = useRead({ path, id }) === null;
// const { error } = useRead({ path, id });
const isLoading = useRead({ path }) === undefined;
const hasNoResults = useRead({ path }) === [];
// const { error } = useRead({ path });
const computed = useRead(
[{ path }, { path }],
([list1=[], list2=[]]) => list1.length + list2.length
// how to useCache
// const alias = useRead({ path }, '::alias');
// const list = useCache(alias);
// how to useCache
// const aliases = useRead([{ path }], '::alias');
// const list = useCache(alias);
GraphQL hooks - 1k (GraphQL - decribe your data, ask for what you want, get predicitable results) many results in single request. move faster with powerful developer tools. evovle your API w/o version
🥇 First-class hooks API
⚖️ Tiny bundle: only 7.6kB (2.8 gzipped)
📄 Full SSR support: see graphql-hooks-ssr
🔌 Plugin Caching: see graphql-hooks-memcache
🔥 No more render props hell
⏳ Handle loading and error states with ease
const { loading, error, data, refetch, cacheHit } = useQuery(QUERY)
const [queryFn, state] = useManualQuery(query, [options])
const [mutationFn, state, resetFn] = useMutation(mutation, [options])
Features, Install, Support (Node LTS, Browsers > 1%, not dead), Quick Start (Provider setup, useRead), Why graphql-hooks (Small in size, Concise API, Quick to get up and running), API
Apollo - 17k "A fully-featured, production ready caching GraphQL client for every UI framework and GraphQL server." - github "The Apollo Graph Platform unifies GraphQL across your apps and services, unlocking faster delivery for your engineering teams." - site
Documentation, Maintainers, Who is Apollo?
graphql/graphql-js - 18k "A reference implementation of GraphQL for JavaScript"
redux-firestore - 6k DL
firestore - 1M DL apollo client - 1.9M DL Redux - 6.7M DL ReduxToolkit - 1M DL
A data-first, production ready Firestore client for React/Redux.
A Data-driven Design for Firestore.
- homogenous API
- stateless
- writes are syncrchonous & eventually consistent
- fast
- easily switch between transaction, single and batch writes
- read complex queries
- compaitable with redux
- zero boliterplate - no reducers, slices, selectors,
- Recieve a promise from a dispatch
- no boliterplate to create class to represent data
- fine tune performance with zero work
- no string parsing API
- pagination, infinite loading
- offline, cache. Instant synchronous mutations that are eventually consistent.
- no entity adapter, no hand-rolled normalization
- offline support
- seemless intergration with redux stacks
- seemless connecting and indexing for web3
- Fully data driven, so app can be built w/o react, fully headless BFF; making react UIs extremely light and fully swappable.
- Testing extermely easy with full data driven API. No mock, no spys, with optional Typescript decoders no stubs either.
- Tests front-to-back of the wrapper or full end-to-end in the database.
- API built to avoid many of the design restrictions with Firestore
- solutions - ordered lists, incrementing ids, unique documents
Create Firestore onSnapshotListener
useRead({ path, id })
Create an action creator to save, update & delete documents
createMutate({ action, read, write })
Optionally get read data directly from the in-memory cache
useCache({ path, id })
const isLoading = useRead({ path, id }) === undefined;
const hasNoResults = useRead({ path, id }) === null;
const isLoading = useRead({ path, ..query }) === undefined;
const hasNoResults = useRead({ path, ..query }) === [];
const computed = useRead(
[{ path, id }, { path, ..query }],
([list1=[], list2=[]]) => list1.length + list2.length
// allow for nested components to use select direction
const alias = useRead({ path, ..query }, '::alias');
const list = useCache(alias);
const aliases = useRead([{ path, ..query }], '::alias');
const list = useCache(alias);
const doc = useCache({ id, path });
How to compose multiple documents and queries??
const count = useRead([
{ path: 'counter'. id: 'global' },
{ path: 'users' }
([counterDoc, users]: any[]) =>
counterDoc.amount * users.length
How to write up completely headless?
const pageQueries = [
{ path: 'counter'. id: 'global' },
{ path: 'users' }
// get reads for an entire page.
const [counterAlias, userAlias] = useRead(pageQueries, '::alias');
return <>
<UserList alias={userAlias} />
<Counter alias={counterAlias} />
// user.tsx
export function UserList({alias}) {
const usernames = useCache(alias, ['name']);
return usernames.map(({name}) => (<div>{name}</div>));
const tasks = useRead({ path: 'tasks' });
const taskOne = useRead({ path: 'tasks', id: 'task1' });
const [tasks, users] = useRead([{ path: 'tasks'}, {path: 'users'}]);
Data-driven Design focus on data to comumicate the API. Rather then class inheratence structure are flat and simple data is the API.
const read = useRead({ id:'task1', path:'tasks' });
const list = useRead({ path:'tasks' });
const query = useRead({ path:'tasks', where: ['status', '==', 'done'] });
const paginate = useRead({
where: [
['status', '==', 'done'],
['teamId', '==' 'team1']
orderBy: ['createdAt', 'desc'],
startAt: LocalDate.now(), // cursor based on orderBy field
limit: 10
const nextPage = useRead({
where: [
['status', '==', 'done'],
['teamId', '==' 'team1']
orderBy: ['createdAt', 'desc'],
startAt: paginate[paginate.length - 1].createdAt,
limit: 10
const [ oneRead, oneList ] = useRead([
{ id: 'task1', path: 'tasks' },
{ path:'users' }
const limitFields = useRead({ path:'users', fields: ['name'] });
// single write
export const singleArchiveTask = createMutate({
action: 'SingleArchiveTask',
read: (taskId) => ({ taskId: () => taskId }),
write: ({ taskId }) => ({
id: task.id,
path: 'tasks',
archived: true,
// batch write
export const batchArchiveTask = createMutate({
action: 'BatchArchiveTask',
read: (taskIds) => ({ taskIds: () => taskIds }),
write: ({ taskIds, uid }) =>
taskIds.map((task) => ({
id: task.id,
path: 'tasks',
archived: true,
// multiple documents acid-compliant transaction write
export const transactionArchiveTask = createMutate({
action: 'TransactionArchiveTask',
read: (taskId, sprintId) => ({
task: { id: taskId, path: 'tasks' },
sprint: { id: sprintId, path: 'sprint' }
write: [
({ task }) => ({
id: task.id,
path: task.path,
archived: true,
({ task, sprint }) => ({
id: sprint.id,
path: sprint.path,
orderedTaskIds: ['::arrayRemove', task.id]
single and batches writes
export const archiveTask = createMutate({
action: 'ArchiveTask',
read: (taskIds) => ({
taskIds: () => taskIds,
write: ({ uid, orgId, taskIds }) =>
(Array.isArray(taskIds) ? taskIds : [taskIds]).map((task) => ({
archived: true,
updatedAt: ['::serverTimestamp'],
updatedBy: uid,
path: `orgs/${orgId}/tasks`,
id: task.id,
// archive.js
import createMutate from 'redux-firestore/es/utils/createMutate';
export const singleArchiveTask = createMutate({
action: 'SingleArchiveTask',
read: (taskId) => ({ taskId: () => taskId }),
write: ({ taskId }) => ({
id: task.id,
path: 'tasks',
archived: true,
// archive.test.js
import { shouldPass } from 'redux-firestore/es/jest.test';
payload: { taskId: 'task1' },
mutation: [{
id: task.id,
path: 'tasks',
archived: true,
query: { path: "tasks" },
result: [{ id: 'task1', path: 'tasks', title: 'test title' }]
export const Default = (): JSX.Element => (
<Provider store={store}>
<MemoryRouter initialEntries={[`/${MOCK_ORG_ID}`]}>
<Route path='/:orgId'>
title='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur'
Enable browser debugging to troubleshoot dataflow issues
export function TodoList({ uid }) {
const recentTodos = useRead({
path: `users/${uid}/todos`,
where: ['updatedAt', '>', LocalDate.now().minusWeeks(2)]
return (<ol>
{recentTodos.map((todo) =>
(<TodoItem todo={todo} />)
export function TodoItem({ todo }) {
const { id, path, title, updatedAt, isComplete } = todo;
return (<li>
onChange={() => updateTodo({id, path, isComplete: !isComplete})}
Action Creators get data provided from React & can load and query Firestore.
export const updateTodo = createMutate({
action: 'updateTodo',
read: ({ id, path, title, isComplete }) => ({
item: () => ({ id, path, title, isComplete })
write: ({ item }) => ({
updatedAt: ['::serverTimestamp'],
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { reduxFirestore, firestoreReducer } from 'redux-firestore';
import firebase from 'firebase/app';
import 'firebase/auth';
import 'firebase/firestore';
const initialState = {};
// Initialize firebase & firestore
// Create store with reducers and initial state
export const store = configureStore({
// Add Firebase to reducers
reducer: combineReducers({
firebase: firebaseReducer,
firestore: firestoreReducer,
// add reduxFirestore store enhancer
Then pass store to your component's context using react-redux's Provider
import React from 'react';
import { render } from 'react-dom';
import { Provider } from 'react-redux';
<Provider store={store}>
<App />
acid-compliant transaction writes
export const moveTask = createMutate({
action: 'MoveTask',
read: ({taskId, insertAfterId, newSprintId}, {orgId}) => {
if (newSprintId === null) {
return {
task: { path: `orgs/${orgId}/tasks`, id: taskId }
return {
insertAfterId: () => insertAfterId,
newSprint: { path: `orgs/${orgId}/sprints`, id: newSprintId },
task: { path: `orgs/${orgId}/tasks`, id: taskId },
writes: [
// move task into new sprint or set null for backlog
({ task, uid, newSprint }) => ({
id: task.id,
path: task.path,
updatedBy: uid,
updatedAt: ['::serverTimestamp'],
sprint: newSprint?.id ?? null
// remove from old sprint (if set) and insert into priority order on new sprint
({ task, uid, newSprint, insertAfterId }) => {
if (!newSprint) return null;
const writes = [];
const previousSprint = task.sprint;
if (previousSprint) {
id: previousSprint,
path: newSprint.path,
orderedTaskIds: ['::arrayRemove', task.id],
const orderedTaskIds = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(tasks));
const index = tasks.findIndex((taskId) => taskId === insertAfterId);
orderedTaskIds.splice(index + 1, 0, task.id);
id: newSprint.id,
path: newSprint.path,
return writes;
// Simple Mutation
const const archiveTask = createMutate({
action: 'ArchiveTask',
reads: ({ taskIds }) => ({
writes: ({ uid, org, taskId }) =>
archived: true,
updatedAt: ['::serverTimestamp'],
updatedBy: uid,
path: `orgs/${org}/tasks`,
id: taskId,
}, 'UITaskArchiveChangeset')),
// Batch Mutation
const const archiveTask = createMutate({
action: 'ArchiveTask',
reads: ({ taskIds }) => ({
writes: [({ uid, org, taskIds }) =>
(Array.isArray(taskIds) ? taskIds : [taskIds])
.map((taskId) =>
archived: true,
updatedAt: ['::serverTimestamp'],
updatedBy: uid,
path: `orgs/${org}/tasks`,
id: taskId,
}, 'UITaskArchiveChangeset'))],
// Transaction Mutation
const const archiveTask = createMutate({
action: 'ArchiveTask',
reads: ({ taskId }, { uid }) => ({
task: { id: taskId, path: `orgs/${org}/tasks` },
writes: ({ uid, org, task }) =>
(Array.isArray(taskIds) ? taskIds : [taskIds])
.map((taskId) =>
archived: true,
updatedAt: ['::serverTimestamp'],
updatedBy: uid,
path: task.path,
id: task.id,
}, 'UITaskArchiveChangeset')),
// Complex ACID-compliant Transaction Mutation
const const archiveSprint = createMutate({
action: 'ArchiveSprint',
reads: ({ taskId, sprintId }, { uid }) => ({
task: { id: taskId, path: `orgs/${org}/tasks` },
sprint: { id: sprintId, path: `orgs/${org}/sprints` },
sprintTasks: {
path: `orgs/${org}/tasks`,
where: ['sprint', '==', sprintId],
writes: [
({ uid, task }) =>
archived: true,
updatedAt: ['::serverTimestamp'],
updatedBy: uid,
path: task.path,
id: task.id,
}, 'UITaskArchiveChangeset'),
({ uid, sprint }) =>
archived: true,
updatedAt: ['::serverTimestamp'],
updatedBy: uid,
path: sprint.path,
id: sprint.id,
}, 'UISprintArchiveChangeset'),
({ uid, sprintTasks }) =>
sprintTasks.map((task) =>
archived: true,
updatedAt: ['::serverTimestamp'],
updatedBy: uid,
path: task.path,
id: task.id,
}, 'UITaskArchiveChangeset'),