Testing uses data-driven design. This lets your code clearly describe the inputs and outputs you wish to see, not all the mocks and other boilerplate.
The added benefit is being able to on the fly switch between a discrete, parallelized unit tests and a full integration test that runs against the Firestore Emulator (coming soon).
Be advised that if your tests are run as an integration test and running parallelized they will corrupt the results of other tests. To start ensure integration tests are run one at a time. In order to properly be parallelized it's recommend to use TypescriptDecoders generate
function to generate valid data from your Typescript definitions.
it.each([{ payload, setup, globals, writes, results, returned }])(...shouldPass)
import { shouldPass } from 'read-write-firestore';
const USE_EMULATOR = false;
setup: [{ path: 'orgs/my-org/tasks', id: 'task-one', archived: false, title: 'sample' }],
globals: { orgId: () => 'my-org' },
payload: { taskId: '999' },
writes: { path: 'orgs/my-org/tasks', id: 'task-one', archived: true },
results: [{ id: '999', path: 'orgs/my-org/tasks', archived: true, title: 'sample' }],
returned: undefined,
}])(...shouldPass(archiveTask, USE_EMULATOR));
setup: [generate('Task', {archived: false})], // cache & firestore setup
payload: 'task-one', // createMutate payload
mutation: { // firestore result
'tasks': {
'task-one': {
id: 'task-one',
archived: true
setup: {
cache: [generate('Task', {archived: false})],
firestore: []
payload: ['task-one', 'task-two'],
mutation: [
id: 'task-one',
archived: true
id: 'task-two',
archived: true
it.each([{ payload, setup, globals, returned }])(...shouldFail)
Testing for failure cases are similar to passing tests. Use the
function. To test a specific error add the 'returned' key.
import { shouldFail } from 'read-write-firestore';
payload: 'task-one',
returned: new Error('Document not found.'),
When the mutation requires any default or custom globals, just add it to each test set.
import { shouldPass } from 'read-write-firestore';
payload: 'task-one',
globals: {
uid: () => 'mock-user-id',
org: () => 'mock-org-id'
mutation: {
id: 'task-one',
archived: true
The TypescriptDecoders
library is recommend to generate valid
data from a Typescript definition. Generating data is highly recommended
when running integration tests allow tests to run in parallel without
having race conditions in the database.
import { shouldPass } from 'read-write-firestore';
import { generate } from 'typescript-decoders';
const TASK = generate('Task');
payload: TASK.id,
globals: {
uid: () => 'mock-user-id',
org: () => 'mock-org-id'
mutation: {
path: 'org/mock-org-id/tasks',
id: TASK.id,
archived: true
(Coming Soon)
import { shouldPass } from 'read-write-firestore';
payload: 'task-one',
globals: {
uid: () => 'mock-user-id',
org: () => 'mock-org-id'
mutation: {
id: 'task-one',
archived: true
}])(...shouldPass(archiveTask, true));
setCache({[alias]: [DocumentOne, DocumentTwo]});
Storybook tests are as simple as providing the data that should return to the useRead & useCache calls.
const cache = setCache({
myAlias: [
{ path:'tasks', id:'task-one', title: 'test task' }
export const Default = (): JSX.Element => (
<Provider store={cache}>
<TaskList />
[TODO: What if ppl don't know what alias will be geneated from there useRead call?]