Good Day,
I have been trying to implement self-filtering with this package to our two arm Yaskawa robot.
I have followed the configuration instructions and read/understand the code structure, as far as I can check with logging of filtered points coordinates, everything seems to be working, but I am still not able to see the cloud on Rviz. I have already checked and it is not a problem of configuration of Rviz plugins since I am displaying also multiple other cloud messages.
I turn debug logs on and I am getting weird messages regarding ros time:
[ INFO] [/self_filter] [1546879087.126899302]: Self filter: reduced 1775220 points to 1174361 points in 1.828367 seconds
[DEBUG] [/self_filter] [1546879087.128326935]: MessageFilter [target=base_link torso_link_b1 arm_left_link_1_s arm_right_link_1_s arm_left_link_2_l arm_right_link_2_l arm_left_link_3_e arm_right_link_3_e arm_left_link_4_u arm_right_link_4_u arm_left_link_5_r arm_right_link_5_r arm_left_link_6_b arm_right_link_6_b arm_left_link_7_t arm_right_link_7_t ]: Added message in frame base_link at time 1546879082.591, count now 1
[DEBUG] [/self_filter] [1546879087.133002641]: Time jumped forward by [1.994150] for timer of period [0.010000], resetting timer (current=1546879087.132962, next_expected=1546879085.138813)
[DEBUG] [/self_filter] [1546879089.000425012]: MessageFilter [target=base_link torso_link_b1 arm_left_link_1_s arm_right_link_1_s arm_left_link_2_l arm_right_link_2_l arm_left_link_3_e arm_right_link_3_e arm_left_link_4_u arm_right_link_4_u arm_left_link_5_r arm_right_link_5_r arm_left_link_6_b arm_right_link_6_b arm_left_link_7_t arm_right_link_7_t ]: Message ready in frame base_link at time 1546879084.963, count now 1
[DEBUG] [/self_filter] [1546879089.000527295]: Got pointcloud that is 4.037519 seconds old
[ INFO] [/self_filter] [1546879090.426017465]: Self filter: reduced 1775220 points to 1174418 points in 1.418147 seconds
[DEBUG] [/self_filter] [1546879090.431566965]: MessageFilter [target=base_link torso_link_b1 arm_left_link_1_s arm_right_link_1_s arm_left_link_2_l arm_right_link_2_l arm_left_link_3_e arm_right_link_3_e arm_left_link_4_u arm_right_link_4_u arm_left_link_5_r arm_right_link_5_r arm_left_link_6_b arm_right_link_6_b arm_left_link_7_t arm_right_link_7_t ]: Added message in frame base_link at time 1546879084.963, count now 1
[DEBUG] [/self_filter] [1546879090.435519509]: MessageFilter [target=base_link torso_link_b1 arm_left_link_1_s arm_right_link_1_s arm_left_link_2_l arm_right_link_2_l arm_left_link_3_e arm_right_link_3_e arm_left_link_4_u arm_right_link_4_u arm_left_link_5_r arm_right_link_5_r arm_left_link_6_b arm_right_link_6_b arm_left_link_7_t arm_right_link_7_t ]: Discarding Message, in frame base_link, Out of the back of Cache Time (stamp: 1546879079.072 + cache_length: 10.000 < latest_transform_time 1546879090.261. Message Count now: 1
[DEBUG] [/self_filter] [1546879090.440014315]: Time jumped forward by [1.596960] for timer of period [0.010000], resetting timer (current=1546879090.439922, next_expected=1546879088.842962)
[DEBUG] [/self_filter] [1546879091.005368166]: MessageFilter [target=base_link torso_link_b1 arm_left_link_1_s arm_right_link_1_s arm_left_link_2_l arm_right_link_2_l arm_left_link_3_e arm_right_link_3_e arm_left_link_4_u arm_right_link_4_u arm_left_link_5_r arm_right_link_5_r arm_left_link_6_b arm_right_link_6_b arm_left_link_7_t arm_right_link_7_t ]: Message ready in frame base_link at time 1546879087.706, count now 0
[DEBUG] [/self_filter] [1546879091.005464964]: Got pointcloud that is 3.299458 seconds old
My input clouds have some seconds in delay of time (arround 2.6 s average) since they are dense and heavy clouds, and I was wondering if this delay in between the cloud and tf messages could be the source of the error?.
Thanks for the support.