@peci1 @k-okada @ipa-mjp @Martin-Oehler
The fork tree of this project reached depth four:
Can we/should we do anything about that?
Now, the situation is that @k-okada and I do have admin permissions to this repo as part of the ROS-orphaned initiative but are not involved with the code.
From my current perspective, we could simply deprecate this repository altogether if @peci1 actually maintains the - much improved - robot_body_filter repository.
Alternatively, we could just as well transfer ownership of this repository if that makes any sense.
Is the robot_body_filter
compatible with the old package or is there a reasonable transition guideline?
@k-okada apparently already released the robot_self_filter into noetic a few days ago, but we could probably pull it out again.
The most prominent thing, aside from transferring the repository, would be to add a new default branch for melodic/noetic-devel and keep only a in there that forwards users to the robot_body_filter package.