As the source code for these projects is already being preserved, they will not be rehosted in here.
- Bancard - Bancard PSP Implementation for Rails Applications.
- Beacon-PSP
- Beatbox - Simple push-button drum sounds for PSP.
- CMFileManager PSP - File Manager for PSP.
- Gotube - YouTube player for the PlayStation Portable.
- LittleGPTracker - Little GP Tracker (Piggy Tracker) for PSP.
- LMP3D - Multi Platform 3D Library for PSP.
- lua-system-shell - Small old homebrew Lua shell written in Lua for PSP.
- muParser - PSP port of muParser.
- My-Playlist_Internet Radio - Internet radio player for PSP.
- PangLib.PSP - Series of tools to interact with 'Pangya: Fantasy Golf' PSP game files.
- PBPCombiner - combines separated PBP files for old PSP CFWs into a single one right in your browser.
- pimp-my-name - Small old homebrew Lua application written in Lua for PSP.
- Psp-battery - check temps of the battery for PSP.
- PSPlinkusb - General purpose homebrew/debugging toolkit for PSP.
- psplyric - Music Player + Lyrics Viewer for the PSP.
- pspwxp - Playstation Portable Windows XP.
- Pmplayer Advance - Media Player for PSP.
- ToneMatrix - Programmable drum machine and sequencer for the PSP.
- UMD_FileRenamer - Application to rename PSP disk images (cso, iso) based on it's UMD properties.
- valentine-hbl - Half Byte Loader BETA for PSP.
- Zig-psp - A project to bring the Zig Programming Language to the PSP.
- psp-video-player - A proof of concept demo for generating and compiling expirable, secure, offline videos.
- Suicide Barbie - Suicide Barbie Demo Game for PSP.
- the-labyrinth - A small technical raycasting demo written in Lua for PSP.
- Insomnia-ProQuake-Engine - ProQuake Engine for PSP.
- Kurok - Kurok Game Engine for PSP.
- Lovepsp - Love2D port for PSP.
- LTE Game Engine - LTE Game Engine for PSP.
- luadev-r0-psp - Lua interpreter for PSP.
- Lua Player Plus - Lua Interpreter for PSP.
- MElib - Library to easily offload tasks to the PSP Media Engine.
- OldSchool Library (OSLib) MODv2 - A 2D Graphics Library for PSP.
- VNPSP - Visual Novel Interpreter for PSP, using the .VNDS format.
- OpenTri - OpenTri Game Engine for PSP.
- OpenTri(mirror) - OpenTri Game Engine for PSP.
- psplib - Homebrew Library for PSP.
- xlab - Xlab Game Engine for PSP.
- Atari800 PSP - Atari 800/800XL, 130XE and 5200 Emulators.
- Caprice32 PSP - Amstrad CPC/CPC464 Emulator.
- Chip8_PSP - Chip8 Emulator.
- DaedalusX64 - Nintendo 64 Emulator.
- DeSmuME PSP - Nintendo DS Emulator.
- DSonPSP - Nintendo DS Emulator.
- FBA4PSPmod - Final Burn Alpha (Psikyo core) Emulator.
- fceupsp - Nintendo NES Emulator.
- Fuse PSP - Sinclair ZX Spectrum Emulator.
- gpSP - Nintendo GBA Emulator.
- gpSP(mirror) - Nintendo GBA Emulator.
- Handy PSP - Atari Lynx Emulator.
- MasterBoy - Nintendo GameBoy / GameBoy Color and SEGA MasterSystem / GameGear Emulators.
- Monkey64 - Nintendo 64 Emulator.
- MVSPSP - SNK NeoGeo MVS Emulator.
- Nesterj AoEX r3-mod - Nintendo NES Emulator.
- NJEMU - CPS1, CPS2, NeoGeo MVS and NeoGeo CDZ(CD) Emulators.
- NeoPop PSP - SNK NeoGeo Pocket / NeoGeo Pocket Color Emulator.
- NooDS-PSP - Nintendo DS Emulator.
- PSP-Hugo - NEC PC Engine/TurboGrafx-16, PC Engine CD/TurboGrafx-CD, SuperGrafx Emulators.
- PSP-RIN - Nintendo GameBoy / GameBoy Color Emulator.
- PSPUAE - Commodore Amiga 500/1200 Emulator.
- PicoDrive - SEGA Genesis/MegaDrive, MasterSystem/GameGear, Sega CD/Mega CD and 32X Emulators. ; archive of robson-alcantara's fork
- PlutoBoy - Nintendo GameBoy / GameBoy Color Emulator.
- Potator PSP - Watara Supervision Emulator.
- PSPKVM - j2me Emulator.
- PSPMasterboy - GameBoy Emulator for PSP.
- PX68k - Sharp X68000 Emulator.
- RACE! PSP - SNK NeoGeo Pocket / NeoGeo Pocket Color Emulator.
- SMSPlus PSP - SEGA MasterSystem / GameGear and SG-1000 Emulators.
- TempGBA4PSP-mod - Nintendo GameBoy Advance Emulator.
- Uo NJEMU - CPS1, CPS2, NeoGeo MVS and NeoGeo CDZ(CD) Emulators.
- VICE PSP - Commodore 64 Emulator.
- VICE-PSP - Commodore 64 Emulator.
- fMSX PSP - MSX/ColecoVision Emulators.
- Snes9x Euphoria - Nintendo SNES Emulator.
- Snes9xTYL - Nintendo SNES Emulator.
- Snes9xTYL-mod - Nintendo SNES Emulator.
- Battlegrounds 2 - BG2 Game for PSP.
- Battlegrounds 3 - BG3 Game for PSP.
- Black-Rock-Shooter---The-Game-PSP - Black-Rock-Shooter---The-Game-PSP.
- Blind-jump-portable - Action/adventure game for PSP.
- BlockOut II PSP - BlockOut ll Game for PSP.
- Cannonball-PSP - Cannonball for PSP.
- Crazy-Snake-PSP - A snake clone game for PSP.
- Colditz-esacpe - Amiga's "Escape From Colditz" ported to PSP.
- CSPSP - CSPSP on ADQ Engine for PSP.
- Chocolate Doom - Doom port for PSP.
- DQuakeplus - Just another psp quake engine.
- Emblem of Fire - Emblem of Fire for PSP.
- galaxy-integration-psp - PSP platform integration for Galaxy 2.0.
- gods-defense - PSP Game - Gods Defense.
- Golden Eye - Golden Eye 007 (N64) for PSP.
- Hnefatafl - Hnefatafl Game for PSP.
- Hokuto-no-ken - Small old homebrew Lua game written in Lua for PSP.
- luigi-world - An old and minimalist platformer game with Luigi written in Lua for PSP.
- mario-eater - Small old homebrew Lua game written in Lua for PSP.
- mario-kart - A small and minimalist Mario Kart homebrew game written in Lua for PSP.
- Minecraft-PSP - Minecraft for PSP.
- MC-PSP - Minecraft for PSP.
- Mudkip-Adventures - A PSP Mudkip game.
- Nazi Zombies Portable Reboot - Call of Duty Zombies port for PSP.
- Phlipple_PSP - Sony Playstation Portable port of Phlipple Game.
- Pspchess - OpenChess for PSP.
- psp-runner - Simple PSP game.
- Perfect Dark Reloaded - Perfect Dark Realoaded for PSP.
- Project Enigma - Project Enigma for PSP.
- Project-sonymon - Project Sonymon game for psp.
- PSP-2048 - Game "2048" on PSP console. PSP console 2048 mini game.
- PSPDoom - Doom port for PSP.
- PSP-Doom - Doom for PSP.
- PSP-fighter - A simple homebrew game for the PSP, written using the PSP port of SDL.
- PSPMania - This is StepMania 3.9, a famous rhythm game simulator, ported to the PSP.
- RALG - Really Annoying Level Game for PSP.
- Rayman-PSP - Rayman engine for the Sony PSP.
- Spaceboopers - Spaceboopers Multiplayer Game for PSP.
- Spelunky - Spelunky Remake for PSP.
- Super-mini-halo - A PSP homebrew Mario game with a Halo skin.
- Supertransball2 - A Super Transball 2 game written by Santi Ontañón copied from Note, this is an early version of the game and the author has made a new one which supports OpenGL, but the former was easier to port to PSP.
- taiga-aisaka - french translation project for toradora portable game patch.
- uplink-psp - A small clone of Uplink Hacker Elite game written in Lua for PSP.
- Quake3psp-mirror - A mirror of the PSP port for Quake 3 Arena (just in case).
- Wolfenstein-3D - PSP Port of Wolfenstein 3D.
- Wolf3D-PSP - Wolfenstein 3D port for PSP.
- Aleph One - Alephone Game port for PSP.
- MegaZeux - Game Creation System for PSP.
- OpenBOR - Beast of Rage Multi Game Engine for PSP.
- OpenLara - Classic Tomb Raider Game for PSP.
- Pocket-Game-Maker - PSP AVG game engine.
- ScummVM - ScummVM Multi Game Engine for PSP.
- Super Mario 64 Port - Super Mario 64 port for PSP.