Expected behavior
As per the javadocs, setting the FireworkExplodeEvent to cancelled = true should remove the firework entity
Observed/Actual behavior
The firework entity remains, and continues to call the FireworkExplodeEvent for every tick that it continues living. It seems to live an arbitrary amount of ticks longer.
Steps/models to reproduce
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGH, ignoreCancelled = true)
public void onFireworkExplode(FireworkExplodeEvent event) {
Plugin and Datapack List
> plugins
[23:25:56 INFO]: ℹ Server Plugins (1):
[23:25:56 INFO]: Bukkit Plugins:
[23:25:56 INFO]: - RoseParticles
> datapack list
[23:25:58 INFO]: There are 3 data pack(s) enabled: [vanilla (built-in)], [file/bukkit (world)], [paper (built-in)]
[23:25:58 INFO]: There are no more data packs available
Paper version
This server is running Paper version 1.21.4-207-main@1a7288a (2025-03-09T18:15:59Z) (Implementing API version 1.21.4-R0.1-SNAPSHOT)
You are running the latest version