Through the use of customizable locs, EU4 shows correctly gendered French adjectives.
A dynamic file should be created, named /customizable_localization/!00_countryadjectives_FR.txt and should contain the following blocks, with [TAG] being an example and each text entry being repeated for each tag that is found to be in the output mod, plus special cases*:
defined_text = {
name = GetRootAdjMS
random = no
text = {
localisation_key = string_[TAG]_ADJ_ms_FR
trigger = { tag = [TAG] }
defined_text = {
name = GetRootAdjFS
random = no
text = {
localisation_key = string_[TAG]_ADJ_fs_FR
trigger = { tag = [TAG] }
defined_text = {
name = GetRootAdjMP
random = no
text = {
localisation_key = string_[TAG]_ADJ_mp_FR
trigger = { tag = [TAG] }
defined_text = {
name = GetRootAdjFP
random = no
text = {
localisation_key = string_[TAG]_ADJ_fp_FR
trigger = { tag = [TAG] }
Among special cases are this one to be put at the end of each defined_text box:
text = {
localisation_key = string_Root_ADJ_[a]_FR # Fallback for Colonial/RNW/Dynamic nations
trigger = { is_dynamic_tag = yes }
[a] is s in MS and FS, p in MP and FP
Then there are some that need to be at the start of each defined_text box, that should be kept in a configurable file since they may change in new EU4 patches. Such a configurable, specialFrenchAdjectives.txt, would feature four blocks, namely MS, FS, MP and FP. What is inside the MS block would be copied to GetRootAdjMS as is, just after the random = no line and before the HIGHER PRIORITY one.
The generation of adjectives from CK3 could recycle the script used for Vic2-HoI4, although adjectives from CK3 are feminine by default rather than masculine. The configurable file for adjectives would be named frenchAdjectives.txt
This GetRoot big block would then be repeated verbatim for GetFrom, GetRootOwner, GetRootOverlord