Elfangor567 — Today at 02:19
So, the system:
Convert what we have (mostly vanilla stuff), it will be treated similar to culture conversion, with vic3slave, eu4, eu4group, region and religion returning. The EU4 / EU4group will be the master culture(s) such as American, French, etc. Religion will be exclusive here, not inclusive. So religion = muslim, means that the slaves themselves cannot be muslim (to represent religious slavery, which was rare in Europe/Americas but common elsewhere)
The formula for population in the New World will be set in a configurables folder, but the numbers seem fine.
Now, for where we change it up a little. For every other culture, we auto-generate the slave cultures, and that auto-generation will change depending on where the master culture is from.
Europeans are easy, slaves will be African as is historical, and will be auto-generated as "Afro-Culture", whether that be "Afro-Russian" or "Afro-Franco-Swabian".
In European countries themselves, assuming slavery is not banned, a smaller number of those slaves should be added to the mainland. Exact formula to be in configurables like the other formula. (Essentially, Homeland vs. Colonial)
Now, it gets more tricky once we get other places involved. What do we do with a African or Asian nation that has colonized?
Elfangor567 — Today at 02:31
We may need to break it up by region. West/North Africans would use European slaves (Euro-Culture), Central/South Africa would use a combination of European and Middle Eastern Slaves, and East Africa would use a combination of Middle East and Indian slaves, etc. Should also likely be a configurable file. (We may need a slavery configurable folder at this point, since there at least 3 files here)
Like with Europe, small numbers of slaves would end up in the homeland, assuming the nation in question has slavery and owns colonies/trade companies on other continents.
Additionally, non-piratical nations that have not banned slavery, have raiding and own a coastline should start the game with a number of slave pops that represent captured peoples in raids.
This is a lot, so let's break it down by file:
- slave_culture_mapping: Maps pre-defined slave cultures based on master culture/religion and slave location
- slavery_population_formulas: Formulas that define the numbers of slaves that appear in specific regions (thus weighting the Indies much higher than mainland North America)
- slavery_region: Defines who gets what type of slaves, allowing for alt-history scenarios where non-European nations colonize.
The hardest part I can think of is religion, as who knows what the religions of the world will look like by this point! You can say religion_group = muslim to exclude muslims easy, but what religion are those Europeans? Druidic? Catholic? Protestant?
May be easiest(!?) to take a survey of Continent's religions, then either take the most populous or make each pop a random religion with the chances based upon the survey. (Fallback of animism and super-fallback of catholic in case animism is excluded since I cannot think of a scenario where both those religions would be excluded without serious interference by a player in the configurables, in which case they asked for it.)