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Some historical powerblocs #596



Power blocs may be used to export some EU4 mechanics, like the HRE or the Chinese Empire. The historical file setup is as follows:

	c:[TAG] = {
		create_power_bloc = {
			name = [NAME]
			map_color = { rr gg bb }

			founding_date = YYYY.MM.DD
			identity = identity_sovereign_empire
			principle = principle_vassalization_1

			member = c:[other TAG]

		if = {
			limit = {
				has_dlc_feature = power_bloc_features
			power_bloc = {
				add_principle = principle_colonial_offices_2

For the HRE:

  • the name will be provided to the string EU4_HRE, provisionally we may simply output "Holy Roman Empire"
  • the map color is 150-177-161
  • the main tag is, of course, the Emperor; all other tags in HRE would be written as their own member line
  • as an identity, I would consider it to be a Sovereign Empire and thus also using Vassalization as principle
  • For other principles, namely the ones in the if-limit-has_dlc_feature block, those could be mapped from the HRE reforms

For the Chinese Empire:

  • the name will be provided to the string EU4_CHINA, provisionally we may simply output "Mandate of Heaven"
  • the map color is 252-185-61
  • if the Emperor tag is of Chinese culture (I suppose we would tell in a config what to consider as Chinese), the Emperor tag is automatically converted to CHI in the entire scenario
  • Ditto from HRE for what concerns Sovereign Empire and reforms

For Japan:

  • such a block is to be used IF Japan is NOT on map AND Kyoto is owned by a Shinto tag
  • the name will be provide to the string EU4_JAPAN, provisionally we may simply output "The Shogunate"
  • the map color is 194-53-60
  • the tag owning Kyoto will also be remapped to JAP
  • all Shinto countries with a capital in the region of Japan become members (both Daimyos, which are already in as subjects of the Shogun, and Independent Daimyos)
  • the if-limit-has_dlc_feature block can be deleted entirely, as there are no reforms to take care of

Additionally, although not part of the powerblocks coding, in converting the rulers of the Chinese Emperor and of the Shogun OR the tag JAP, IF they are monarchies, the surname needs to be overwritten as empty_1. As an example, if the ruler of a monarchical JAP is name "Satoshi", dynasty "Yamato", we would output in Vic3 first_name = "Satoshi" last_name = empty_1 (correctly displaying as simply Satoshi). This is because in those monarchies, the entire concept of a dynasty name for a living Emperor is meaningless (and technically also that of a given name, with their historiographers calling the ruling emperor as "ruling emperor" and the previous ones by the era name); this is in contrast with vanilla Vic3, which does write "Meiji Yamato" or "Daoguang Aisin Gioro", something that sounds as absurd as calling the Pope "Franciscus Bergoglio".



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