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364 lines (279 loc) · 10.6 KB

AVL Trees


  • An AVL tree is a self balancing binary search tree The difference in height between left and right must always be <=1. You need to check every parent node if they have hieght between left and right <=1. For example, J has a child on the left and one on the right, therfore it's correct or F has 2 children on the left and one on the right, therefore 2 - 1 = 1 so correct also.
  • To solve the indifference in height, you need to rotate the tree, if the problem is in the right then rotate to the left as explained before.
  • You need to specify which node is doing the voilation and then check the grandparent
  • For lookup, the AVL tree is faster than the red black tree, because they are more strictly balanced.

AVL Tree Graph


Operation Complexity
Access O(logn)
Search O(logn)
Insert O(logn)
Delete O(logn)

AVL Tree Implementation

Java Implementation
package tests;

import java.util.*;
 * AVL trees are tree that are self balancing, the only condition is that the right and left should only have a difference of <=1
public class AVLTree { //declare AVL tree
    public class Node { //declare the class nodes
        private Node left, right, parent; //declare left,right and parent node
        private int height = 1; //assign 1 equal to height
        private int value; //value of each node

        private Node (int val) {
            this.value = val;
    private int height (Node N) { //get the hieght of the passed node
        if (N == null)
            return 0;
        return N.height;
    //inserting a node in the tree
    private Node insert(Node node, int value) {
        /* 1.  Perform the normal BST rotation */
        if (node == null) { //chcek if the root node is null and create a new node
            return(new Node(value));

        if (value < node.value) //check if value passed is less than the node's value then add to the left
            node.left  = insert(node.left, value);
            node.right = insert(node.right, value); //add to the right if greater

        /* 2. Update height of this ancestor node */
        node.height = Math.max(height(node.left), height(node.right)) + 1;

        /* 3. Get the balance factor of this ancestor node to check whether
           this node became unbalanced */
        int balance = getBalance(node);

        // If this node becomes unbalanced, then there are 4 cases

        // Left Left Case
        if (balance > 1 && value < node.left.value)
            return rightRotate(node);

        // Right Right Case
        if (balance < -1 && value > node.right.value)
            return leftRotate(node);

        // Left Right Case
        if (balance > 1 && value > node.left.value)
            node.left =  leftRotate(node.left);
            return rightRotate(node);

        // Right Left Case
        if (balance < -1 && value < node.right.value)
            node.right = rightRotate(node.right);
            return leftRotate(node);

        /* return the (unchanged) node pointer */
        return node;

    private Node rightRotate(Node y) {
        Node x = y.left;
        Node T2 = x.right;

        // Perform rotation
        x.right = y;
        y.left = T2;

        // Update heights
        y.height = Math.max(height(y.left), height(y.right))+1;
        x.height = Math.max(height(x.left), height(x.right))+1;

        // Return new root
        return x;

    private Node leftRotate(Node x) {
        Node y = x.right;
        Node T2 = y.left;

        // Perform rotation
        y.left = x;
        x.right = T2;

        //  Update heights
        x.height = Math.max(height(x.left), height(x.right))+1;
        y.height = Math.max(height(y.left), height(y.right))+1;

        // Return new root
        return y;

    // Get Balance factor of node N
    private int getBalance(Node N) {
        if (N == null)
            return 0;
        return height(N.left) - height(N.right);

    public void preOrder(Node root) {
        if (root != null) {
            System.out.printf("%d ", root.value);

    private Node minValueNode(Node node) {
        Node current = node;
        /* loop down to find the leftmost leaf */
        while (current.left != null)
            current = current.left;
        return current;

    private Node deleteNode(Node root, int value) {

        if (root == null)
            return root;

        // If the value to be deleted is smaller than the root's value,
        // then it lies in left subtree
        if ( value < root.value )
            root.left = deleteNode(root.left, value);

        // If the value to be deleted is greater than the root's value,
        // then it lies in right subtree
        else if( value > root.value )
            root.right = deleteNode(root.right, value);

        // if value is same as root's value, then This is the node
        // to be deleted
        else {
            // node with only one child or no child
            if( (root.left == null) || (root.right == null) ) {

                Node temp;
                if (root.left != null)
                        temp = root.left;
                    temp = root.right;

                // No child case
                if(temp == null) {
                    temp = root;
                    root = null;
                else // One child case
                    root = temp; // Copy the contents of the non-empty child

                temp = null;
            else {
                // node with two children: Get the inorder successor (smallest
                // in the right subtree)
                Node temp = minValueNode(root.right);

                // Copy the inorder successor's data to this node
                root.value = temp.value;

                // Delete the inorder successor
                root.right = deleteNode(root.right, temp.value);

        // If the tree had only one node then return
        if (root == null)
            return root;

        root.height = Math.max(height(root.left), height(root.right)) + 1;

        // STEP 3: GET THE BALANCE FACTOR OF THIS NODE (to check whether
        //  this node became unbalanced)
        int balance = getBalance(root);

        // If this node becomes unbalanced, then there are 4 cases

        // Left Left Case
        if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root.left) >= 0)
            return rightRotate(root);

        // Left Right Case
        if (balance > 1 && getBalance(root.left) < 0) {
            root.left =  leftRotate(root.left);
            return rightRotate(root);

        // Right Right Case
        if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root.right) <= 0)
            return leftRotate(root);

        // Right Left Case
        if (balance < -1 && getBalance(root.right) > 0) {
            root.right = rightRotate(root.right);
            return leftRotate(root);

        return root;

    public void print(Node root) {

        if(root == null) {

        int height = root.height,
            width = (int)Math.pow(2, height-1);

        // Preparing variables for loop.
        List<Node> current = new ArrayList<Node>(1),
            next = new ArrayList<Node>(2);

        final int maxHalfLength = 4;
        int elements = 1;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(maxHalfLength*width);
        for(int i = 0; i < maxHalfLength*width; i++)
            sb.append(' ');
        String textBuffer;

        // Iterating through height levels.
        for(int i = 0; i < height; i++) {

            sb.setLength(maxHalfLength * ((int)Math.pow(2, height-1-i) - 1));

            // Creating spacer space indicator.
            textBuffer = sb.toString();

            // Print tree node elements
            for(Node n : current) {


                if(n == null) {

                    System.out.print("        ");

                } else {

                    System.out.printf("(%6d)", n.value);




            // Print tree node extensions for next level.
            if(i < height - 1) {

                for(Node n : current) {


                    if(n == null)
                        System.out.print("        ");
                        System.out.printf("%s      %s",
                                n.left == null ? " " : "/", n.right == null ? " " : "\\");





            // Renewing indicators for next run.
            elements *= 2;
            current = next;
            next = new ArrayList<Node>(elements);



    public static void main(String args[]) {
        AVLTree t = new AVLTree();
        Node root = null;
        while (true) {
            System.out.println("(1) Insert");
            System.out.println("(2) Delete");

            try {
                BufferedReader bufferRead = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                String s = bufferRead.readLine();

                if (Integer.parseInt(s) == 1) {
                    System.out.print("Value to be inserted: ");
                    root = t.insert(root, Integer.parseInt(bufferRead.readLine()));
                else if (Integer.parseInt(s) == 2) {
                    System.out.print("Value to be deleted: ");
                    root = t.deleteNode(root, Integer.parseInt(bufferRead.readLine()));
                else {
                    System.out.println("Invalid choice, try again!");

            catch(IOException e) {