package tests;
import java.util.Scanner;
* @author P.Haddad
* Red black tree is a self balancing BST, it has a red and a black colored node, the root node is always a black colored node.
public class RedBlackTree {
private final int RED = 0;
private final int BLACK = 1;
public String name = "asd";
private class Node {
int key = -1, color = BLACK;
Node left = nil, right = nil, parent = nil;
Node(int key) { //key is value
this.key = key;
public Node() {
// TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
private final Node nil = new Node(-1);
private Node root = nil;
// print the nodes in the tree, first print left nodes, then root and then print right nodes
public void printTree(Node node) {
if (node == nil) {
System.out.print(((node.color==RED)?"Color: Red ":"Color: Black ")+"Key: "+node.key+" Parent: "+node.parent.key+"\n");
// search for a node
private Node findNode(Node findNode, Node node) {
if (root == nil) { //check if root node is null
return null;
if (findNode.key < node.key) { //check if the value of the node is less than the nodes in tree
if (node.left != nil) { // if not null, meaning if there are left nodes
return findNode(findNode, node.left); //call findNode again
} else if (findNode.key > node.key) { //chcek if the value of the node is greater than the node in tree
if (node.right != nil) { // if not null, menaing if there are right nodes
return findNode(findNode, node.right); //call findNode again
} else if (findNode.key == node.key) { //if equal meaning it's equal to the root
return node; // return node
return null; //if doesnt exist return null
//insert a node in the tree
private void insert(Node node) {
Node temp = root;
if (root == nil) { //check if root is null, meaning no nodes..
root = node; //assign node to root
node.color = BLACK; //assign black to root node
node.parent = nil; //assign nil to parent node
} else {
node.color = RED; //if root is not null, then add a red colored node
while (true) {
if (node.key < temp.key) { //if the value of the new node less than the root
if (temp.left == nil) { //check if left is null
temp.left = node; //assign new node to left
node.parent = temp; //assign parent node to the new added left node
} else {
temp = temp.left; //if not null, then assign
} else if (node.key >= temp.key) { //same as left
if (temp.right == nil) {
temp.right = node;
node.parent = temp;
} else {
temp = temp.right;
fixTree(node); //here we call fixTree, because if we insert two red color after each other then it wont be a red black tree anymore
//Takes as argument the newly inserted node
private void fixTree(Node node) {
while (node.parent.color == RED) { //check if the parent node of the newly added node is red
Node uncle = nil; //assign uncle node to null
if (node.parent == node.parent.parent.left) { //ex: if you have 2 reds and root node, then check if the parent of the red node is equal to itself,
//since node.parent.parent.left will give you the left node under the grandfather's node assuming we have 3 nodes
uncle = node.parent.parent.right; //assign right node to uncle
if (uncle != nil && uncle.color == RED) { //check if uncle color is red and not null
node.parent.color = BLACK; //assign black color to parent node
uncle.color = BLACK; //assign black color to uncle
node.parent.parent.color = RED; //assign red to grandfather node (root node)
node = node.parent.parent; //assign grandfather to node
if (node == node.parent.right) { //check if newly added node is equal to parent node on the right
//Double rotation needed
node = node.parent; //assign parent node to newly added node
rotateLeft(node); //rotate left
node.parent.color = BLACK; //asign color of parent node to black
node.parent.parent.color = RED; //assign color of rootnode to red
//if the "else if" code hasn't executed, this
//is a case where we only need a single rotation
rotateRight(node.parent.parent); //rotate right
} else { //same as above but opposite positions
uncle = node.parent.parent.left;
if (uncle != nil && uncle.color == RED) {
node.parent.color = BLACK;
uncle.color = BLACK;
node.parent.parent.color = RED;
node = node.parent.parent;
if (node == node.parent.left) {
//Double rotation needed
node = node.parent;
node.parent.color = BLACK;
node.parent.parent.color = RED;
//if the "else if" code hasn't executed, this
//is a case where we only need a single rotation
root.color = BLACK;
void rotateLeft(Node node) {
if (node.parent != nil) {
if (node == node.parent.left) {
node.parent.left = node.right;
} else {
node.parent.right = node.right;
node.right.parent = node.parent;
node.parent = node.right;
if (node.right.left != nil) {
node.right.left.parent = node;
node.right = node.right.left;
node.parent.left = node;
} else {//Need to rotate root
Node right = root.right;
root.right = right.left;
right.left.parent = root;
root.parent = right;
right.left = root;
right.parent = nil;
root = right;
void rotateRight(Node node) {
if (node.parent != nil) {
if (node == node.parent.left) {
node.parent.left = node.left;
} else {
node.parent.right = node.left;
node.left.parent = node.parent;
node.parent = node.left;
if (node.left.right != nil) {
node.left.right.parent = node;
node.left = node.left.right;
node.parent.right = node;
} else {//Need to rotate root
// it will rotate to the right, example parent which is black becomes root and previous root node becomes uncle.
Node left = root.left;
root.left = root.left.right;
left.right.parent = root;
root.parent = left;
left.right = root;
left.parent = nil;
root = left;
//Deletes whole tree
void deleteTree(){
root = nil;
//Deletion Code .
//This operation doesn't care about the new Node's connections
//with previous node's left and right. The caller has to take care
//of that.
void transplant(Node target, Node with){
if(target.parent == nil){
root = with;
}else if(target == target.parent.left){
target.parent.left = with;
target.parent.right = with;
with.parent = target.parent;
boolean delete(Node z){
if((z = findNode(z, root))==null)return false;
Node x;
Node y = z; // temporary reference y
int y_original_color = y.color;
if(z.left == nil){
x = z.right;
transplant(z, z.right);
}else if(z.right == nil){
x = z.left;
transplant(z, z.left);
y = treeMinimum(z.right);
y_original_color = y.color;
x = y.right;
if(y.parent == z)
x.parent = y;
transplant(y, y.right);
y.right = z.right;
y.right.parent = y;
transplant(z, y);
y.left = z.left;
y.left.parent = y;
y.color = z.color;
return true;
void deleteFixup(Node x){
while(x!=root && x.color == BLACK){
if(x == x.parent.left){
Node w = x.parent.right;
if(w.color == RED){
w.color = BLACK;
x.parent.color = RED;
w = x.parent.right;
if(w.left.color == BLACK && w.right.color == BLACK){
w.color = RED;
x = x.parent;
else if(w.right.color == BLACK){
w.left.color = BLACK;
w.color = RED;
w = x.parent.right;
if(w.right.color == RED){
w.color = x.parent.color;
x.parent.color = BLACK;
w.right.color = BLACK;
x = root;
Node w = x.parent.left;
if(w.color == RED){
w.color = BLACK;
x.parent.color = RED;
w = x.parent.left;
if(w.right.color == BLACK && w.left.color == BLACK){
w.color = RED;
x = x.parent;
else if(w.left.color == BLACK){
w.right.color = BLACK;
w.color = RED;
w = x.parent.left;
if(w.left.color == RED){
w.color = x.parent.color;
x.parent.color = BLACK;
w.left.color = BLACK;
x = root;
x.color = BLACK;
Node treeMinimum(Node subTreeRoot){
subTreeRoot = subTreeRoot.left;
return subTreeRoot;
public void consoleUI() {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
while (true) {
System.out.println("\n1.- Add items\n"
+ "2.- Delete items\n"
+ "3.- Check items\n"
+ "4.- Print tree\n"
+ "5.- Delete tree\n");
int choice = scan.nextInt();
int item;
Node node;
switch (choice) {
case 1:
item = scan.nextInt();
while (item != -999) {
node = new Node(item);
item = scan.nextInt();
case 2:
item = scan.nextInt();
while (item != -999) {
node = new Node(item);
System.out.print("\nDeleting item " + item);
if (delete(node)) {
System.out.print(": deleted!");
} else {
System.out.print(": does not exist!");
item = scan.nextInt();
case 3:
item = scan.nextInt();
while (item != -999) {
node = new Node(item);
System.out.println((findNode(node, root) != null) ? "found" : "not found");
item = scan.nextInt();
case 4:
case 5:
System.out.println("Tree deleted!");
public static void main(String[] args) {
RedBlackTree rbt = new RedBlackTree();
* links: