The current implementation of Cats Effect 2 executor relies solely on Async.async
method, which doesn't shift the execution back to the compute pool. This means that operations subsequent to the ElasticSearch queries will be performed on the dispatcher threads used for the non-blocking I/O, which is definitely undesirable. This is how the executor could look like to prevent this:
import cats.syntax.apply._
class CatsEffectExecutor[F[_]: Async: ContextShift] extends Executor[F] {
override def exec(client: HttpClient, request: ElasticRequest): F[HttpResponse] =
Async[F].async(cb => client.send(request, cb)) <* ContextShift[F].shift
However, such a change would be breaking the binary compatibility.
@sksamuel how do you approach such breaking changes in the elastic4s releases?