Command Bar Improvements
#17864 and #18355 bring us a global search and command bar. There are a lot of ways to improve it and this issue tracks
Please let me know what you like / don't like and any other ideas :) Roughly ordered by perceived importance.
- Implement metrics from feat(command-bar): add search to command bar #17864
- Instrument existing search fix(autocapture): add taxonomic filter key as data-attr #17899 /
- Add PostHog events / use autocapture for new search
- Add Prometheus metrics
- Find a way to announce the shortcut in the app (maybe a hint in the sidebar)
- Don't debounce the initial search load
- Fix issues originating from current command palette
- Focus command bar when activating a command
- Handle executor bugs e.g. display them in the command k menu (see below item)
- Fix bug: refresh page on and perform the "create dashboard" flow -> logic not mounted
Ways/ideas to improve the search
- "Recently searched..."
- Implement a facetted search interface for tags, authors, etc
- Boost things the user has created/viewed/... in the search; generally things that are looked at often
- Maybe try out trigram (fuzzy) search as an alternative
- Add a preview like on the website
- Allow searching entities in ClickHouse (persons/events)
- Hide tabs for features the team doesn't user e.g. hide actions if the team doesn't have any
- Add a search headline (highlighting the search term in the results)
- Perf improvement: Limit the number of returned entries per entity
- Perf improvement: Add a search vector column / GIN index
- Allow to customize the search language for better results
Ways/ideas to improve the commands
- Add commands to toggle light/dark mode
- "Recently performed..."
- Add commands for all product sections