latest neoforge versions on 1.20.4 don't successfully download:
Instance update failed because: Game update failed: it was impossible to fetch the required libraries.
One or more subtasks failed
from prism log:
14214.885 D | Checksummed Download for: "net.neoforged:neoforge:20.4.178:universal" storage: "net/neoforged/neoforge/20.4.178/neoforge-20.4.178-universal.jar" url: ""
14214.942 D | Setting up api download
14214.943 W | QWindowsWindow::setGeometry: Unable to set geometry 600x173+618+748 (frame: 618x220+609+710) on QWidgetWindow/"ProgressDialogWindow" on "C27JG5x". Resulting geometry: 600x255+618+748 (frame: 618x302+609+710) margins: 9, 38, 9, 9 minimum size: 480x138 MINMAXINFO(maxSize=POINT(x=0, y=0), maxpos=POINT(x=0, y=0), maxtrack=POINT(x=0, y=0), mintrack=POINT(x=618, y=220)))
14215.497 W | Checksum mismatch, download is bad.
14215.498 D | Setting up api download
14215.805 W | Checksum mismatch, download is bad.
14215.806 D | Setting up api download
14216.100 W | Checksum mismatch, download is bad
not sure which versions exactly don't work, from discord "it seems everything post july is broken"
not sure if any other mc versions also don't work
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