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Binit - The Rubbish App #152



Our Project

Pinit to Binit (known as Binit - The Rubbish App) is aimed to be an international illegal garbage/waste plotter and local recycling locator app. It has a simple to use interface and is a clear and concise app, giving information about where rubbish has been illegally dumped, where the recycling facilities are in your town, and information on how to recycle and what goes in what bin.

The aim is to make this app internationally available so that users can identify areas where there has been illegal fly-tipping and they can drop a pin (PIN IT) on a map, and make the authorities aware of where it is, so that they can organise a clean-up (BIN IT).

The system is being tested by P3 Ambiental, a non-profit association based in Spain and it is having amazing results with over 30,000kg of illegal rubbish having been pinned and binned, in only 16 days.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, with an astounding estimated 22 million kilos more having been pinned, in the region local to P3 Ambiental, the clean-up task is immense. But with the track record so far, everything is possible.

Additionally, with the growing amount of recycling facilities being made available by governments, there is a growing need for up-to-date information on where these facilities are so that the local people can take full advantage of them, and reduce their trash, aiming towards a zero waste lifestyle.

With another map based solution, P3 Ambiental has been working with regional governments, to create a mapping system for the recycling facilities in the region.

This app is the next step forward for P3 Ambiental, taking the web-based system and making it more mobile, more accessible and more fun. And why shouldn't picking up trash be fun?

The project will be implemented in phases. This document outlines the ideas in full: and flowchart:


Phase 1 - We are aiming to make a cross-platform mobile app to allow people to mark and photograph rubbish that they find in rural areas. They will be able to pin the location on a map, add a description and a photo to each pin. These pins will be added to the main map which can be used to locate and organise cleaning of the areas that have been pinned.

Here is a flow chart with mockups for the screens:

Phase 2 - The app will also show the location of recycling facilities with a turn by turn route to the location to help people dispose of their household waste. There will also be a recycling guide to help people learn more about how and what can be recycled.

Phase 3 - The app will have a game element added with rewards for game-play to get younger people involved in the project.

Phase 4 - The app will be used to plot and locate other clean-up campaigns around the world, with the ability for the organisers of events to input their details with a photo, date and location. This event would be active on a map until the event has terminated.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for someone, or multiple people to join our existing team of volunteers who are focusing on native android development.

We have decided to go with the Clean Architecture where we have a Domain, Data, and Presentation layer. We have further decided to implement an “MVP within Clean Architecture” structure and more specifically, MVP for the Presentation/UI layer.

We would like help with further planning out and implementing testing environments and workflows. Someone who could work with our existing team and help guide implementation under a TDD environment.

We are looking for some who has experience with:

  • Full stack native Android development
  • TDD, CI/CD, testing environments and configurations, and general workflow for full stack native Android
  • Project Management


Android Studio, Java 1.8, JUnit4, Git, Github, {backend structure and technologies being determined}, Google Maps

Contact Info

Github Handle: walidmujahid
Github Organisation: P3Ambiental
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]

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