With Numpy 2.0.0rc1 moving closer towards a release, has there been any thought about what will be needed to support the later version or if there's anything needed to make it safer to use in the presence of C API changes? I'm interested in helping with the transition to support both 1.x and 2.x, if useful.
For what it's worth, just naively running the test suite against a local build of Numpy 2 (as of numpy/numpy@182ee60) does pretty well, albeit using the deprecated numpy.core.multiarray
path over the new numpy._core.multiarray
. The failures I observed are:
is nowbool
--test array
fails to import because it's not ready for Numpy 2copy_to_works
: slot 82PyArray_CopyInto
is nowNULL
in Numpy 2 so this reliably segfaults (thoughPyArray_CopyInto
got moved into slot 50, so it's still there).
Everything else passed for me (macOS 14, Python 3.11, x86_64).
While copy_to_works
is the only segfault I saw in the test suite, this is the current set of changes in the generated C API capsule between Numpy 1.26.4 and Numpy 2.0.0 (as of numpy/numpy@182ee60), where the number is the offset into the PyArray_API
pointer array:
Removed in 'api_2.0.0.c':
1: (void *) &PyBigArray_Type
4: (void *) &PyArrayFlags_Type
40: (void *) PyArray_SetNumericOps
41: (void *) PyArray_GetNumericOps
65: (void *) PyArray_ScalarFromObject
66: (void *) PyArray_GetCastFunc
67: (void *) PyArray_FromDims
68: (void *) PyArray_FromDimsAndDataAndDescr
81: (void *) PyArray_MoveInto
82: (void *) PyArray_CopyInto
83: (void *) PyArray_CopyAnyInto
103: (void *) PyArray_FillObjectArray
115: (void *) PyArray_NewFlagsObject
117: (void *) PyArray_CompareUCS4
122: (void *) PyArray_FieldNames
163: (void *) PyArray_As1D
164: (void *) PyArray_As2D
171: (void *) PyArray_CopyAndTranspose
173: (void *) PyArray_TypestrConvert
197: (void *) PyArray_TypeNumFromName
201: (void *) _PyArray_SigintHandler
202: (void *) _PyArray_GetSigintBuf
208: (void *) PyArray_CompareString
219: (void *) PyArray_SetDatetimeParseFunction
278: (void *) PyArray_GetArrayParamsFromObject
291: (void *) PyDataMem_SetEventHook
293: (void *) PyArray_MapIterSwapAxes
294: (void *) PyArray_MapIterArray
295: (void *) PyArray_MapIterNext
301: (void *) PyArray_MapIterArrayCopyIfOverlap
Different between 'api_1.26.4.c' and 'api_2.0.0.c':
(void *) PyArray_CastTo
(void *) PyArray_CopyInto
(void *) PyArray_CastAnyTo
(void *) PyArray_CopyAnyInto
Added in 'api_2.0.0.c':
307: (void *) NpyDatetime_ConvertDatetime64ToDatetimeStruct
308: (void *) NpyDatetime_ConvertDatetimeStructToDatetime64
309: (void *) NpyDatetime_ConvertPyDateTimeToDatetimeStruct
310: (void *) NpyDatetime_GetDatetimeISO8601StrLen
311: (void *) NpyDatetime_MakeISO8601Datetime
312: (void *) NpyDatetime_ParseISO8601Datetime
313: (void *) NpyString_load
314: (void *) NpyString_pack
315: (void *) NpyString_pack_null
316: (void *) NpyString_acquire_allocator
317: (void *) NpyString_acquire_allocators
318: (void *) NpyString_release_allocator
319: (void *) NpyString_release_allocators
All of the entries in the "removed in" are a place where the slot now has a null pointer, so would segfault if called. Slots 82 and 83 (PyArray_CopyInto
and PyArray_CopyAnyInto
) got moved into slots 50 and 51 respectively.
I've not been following if there were ABI incompatible differences between any functions themselves - I think there was a change from Py_ssize_t
to intptr_t
(or vice versa) in some, which can be ABI incompatible for some more esoteric platforms.
Would an appropriate way of handling most of the removals be to mark those in impl_array_api
as fallible, and have an explicit non-null pointer check on each access so we can safely panic rather than segfaulting? For the high-level safe API, does something like checking the version on the GILOnceCell
initialisation and saving the result so functions can check and Err
on bad calls work?
Happy to help with any implementation, if it'd be useful.