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Blog App

A Flutter-based Blog App built with Clean Architecture principles for modular, scalable, and maintainable development. The app integrates Supabase for backend services, uses fpdart for functional programming concepts, and manages state with Flutter Bloc.


  • User Authentication: Sign up, log in, and manage user sessions.
  • Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD): Manage blog posts with rich text content and media uploads.
  • Supabase Integration: Use Supabase for database, authentication, and storage.
  • Offline Storage: Cache user data with shared_preferences.
  • Environment Configuration: Securely manage environment variables with flutter_dotenv.
  • Dependency Injection: Use get_it for DI to maintain a clean, testable architecture.
  • Functional Programming: Leverage fpdart for robust error handling and result transformations.

Architecture Overview

Clean Architecture Layers

  1. Presentation Layer:

    • Handles UI and state management.
    • Uses Flutter Bloc for state management and reactive updates.
  2. Domain Layer:

    • Defines core business logic.
    • Includes entities, use cases, and repositories (abstract interfaces).
  3. Data Layer:

    • Implements repositories using Supabase for backend communication.
    • Handles network requests and caching mechanisms.

Packages Used

Package Purpose
fpdart Functional programming and error handling.
supabase_flutter Backend integration for database and auth.
path File and directory path manipulation.
path_provider Access to commonly used directories.
flutter_dotenv Manage environment variables.
shared_preferences Local storage for lightweight caching.
flutter_bloc State management and reactive architecture.
get_it Dependency injection and service locator.

Project Structure

├── core/
│   ├── error/            # Error handling (Failure classes)
│   ├── usecases/         # Common use case helpers
│   └── utils/            # Utility classes (constants, extensions)
├── data/
│   ├── models/           # Data models (DTOs)
│   ├── repositories/     # Repository implementations
│   └── datasources/      # Supabase API calls and local storage
├── domain/
│   ├── entities/         # Core app entities (e.g., BlogPost, User)
│   ├── repositories/     # Abstract repository interfaces
│   └── usecases/         # Business logic (e.g., CreatePostUseCase)
├── presentation/
│   ├── bloc/             # BLoC files (states, events, blocs)
│   ├── screens/          # UI screens (e.g., Home, Login, BlogDetails)
│   └── widgets/          # Reusable UI components
├── injection_container.dart  # Dependency injection setup
└── main.dart             # App entry point

Setup Instructions


  • Install Flutter SDK.
  • Create a Supabase project and configure your backend.

Environment Setup

  1. Add a .env file in the root directory to store environment variables:

  2. Load environment variables in main.dart:

    import 'package:flutter_dotenv/flutter_dotenv.dart';
    Future<void> main() async {
      await dotenv.load(fileName: ".env");
      runApp(const MyApp());

Install Dependencies

Run the following command to get dependencies:

flutter pub get

Key Features & Examples

Dependency Injection

Set up services using get_it in injection_container.dart:

import 'package:get_it/get_it.dart';
import 'package:supabase_flutter/supabase_flutter.dart';

final sl = GetIt.instance;

void setup() {
  // Register Supabase client
  sl.registerLazySingleton(() => Supabase.instance.client);

  // Register repositories and use cases
      () => AuthRepositoryImpl(sl<SupabaseClient>()));
  sl.registerLazySingleton(() => LoginUseCase(sl<AuthRepository>()));

Bloc Implementation

Example of a BLoC for managing blog posts:

import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:fpdart/fpdart.dart';

import 'blog_event.dart';
import 'blog_state.dart';
import '../../domain/usecases/get_posts_usecase.dart';

class BlogBloc extends Bloc<BlogEvent, BlogState> {
  final GetPostsUseCase getPosts;

  BlogBloc(this.getPosts) : super(BlogInitial()) {
    on<LoadPostsEvent>((event, emit) async {
      final result = await getPosts();
        (failure) => emit(BlogError(failure.message)),
        (posts) => emit(BlogLoaded(posts)),

Supabase Integration

Fetch blog posts from Supabase:

import 'package:supabase_flutter/supabase_flutter.dart';

class BlogRemoteDatasource {
  final SupabaseClient client;


  Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> fetchBlogPosts() async {
    final response = await client.from('blogs').select().execute();
    if (response.error != null) {
      throw Exception(response.error!.message);
    return as List<Map<String, dynamic>>;


Add screenshots or gifs of the app here.

Future Enhancements

  • Implement rich-text editing for blog content.
  • Add user comments and likes for blogs.
  • Enable push notifications for new blog updates.
  • Introduce role-based access for admin and users.


Contributions are welcome! Follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b feature-name.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add feature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature-name.
  5. Open a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.