A profiling plugin for Slurm which sends the data to the Prometheus Pushgateway
- libcurl-devel
sudo yum install libcurl-devel
Once you got the acct_gather_profile_prometheus.so file. Put it into Slurm's lib64 folder
where all the other accounting plugins also are (on Magic_Castle, this is /opt/slurm/lib64/slurm
Once this is done, you can edit Slurm's configuration file (/etc/slurm/slurm.conf
) and add this entry:
and in /etc/slurm/acct_gather_profile.conf
(if it's not already there, feel free to create it), add the following:
For example, if you want one pushgateway per compute node, you can specify ProfilePrometheusHost=http://localhost:9091
You can also specify ProfilePrometheusDefault=<all|none|[energy[,|task[,|filesystem[,|network]]]]>
to force the profiling options, however, so far only task profiling was tested.
At this point, all you should have to do is add #SBATCH --profile=<all|none|[energy[,|task[,|filesystem[,|network]]]]>
to your submit script
and everything should be good to go!
Due to Prometheus's pull architecture, a Slurm job, because of its ephemereal nature, has to push data somewhere. In comes the Prometheus Pushgateway which enables just that. According to Slurm's documentation,
int acct_gather_profile_p_add_sample_data(uint32_t type, void* data);
Put data at the Node Samples level. Typically called from something called at either job_acct_gather interval or acct_gather_energy interval. All samples in the same group will eventually be consolidated in one time series.
In the plugin, this function is where the data is put into a Prometheus's scrapable string. It is also where the plugin sends it data to Prometheus's Pushgateway via curl (libcurl) inside the _send_data() function. Once the Slurm job ends, it automatically calls
int acct_gather_profile_p_task_end(stepd_step_rec_t* job, pid_t taskpid)
Called once per task from slurmstepd. Provides an opportunity to put final data for a task.
This function calls _delete_data(), which sends a DELETE request via curl (libcurl) to remove the data for a specified jobid and node name.
In any case, the data pushed to the Pushgateway are scraped by Prometheus at a given interval. The DELETE request is sent in order to delete the data associated with a finished job (otherwise, the Pushgateway would keep this data indefinitely and Prometheus would scrape this data over and over, resulting in a flat line on a graph, for example.)