Can you analyze and build a short list in order of importance with important feedbacks?
From our FB 3/4 chat:
"When you open ncnca event details page, what are looking at? (Map, flyer, promoter, reg link?) is there anything you would change there?
The Destroyer
Feels that half the time the address in the map link will have some extra commas or missing a comma so if you click the link then Google maps won't show the correct location until you manually edit the search.
I don't see an easy way to differentiate between road events and non-road events. Example; cccx#8 shows on the calendar for 2 weeks from now. There's no info uploaded yet (no reg link etc) so I needed to go to cccx's website to figure out if it was a road event or not.
The Destroyer
Ncnca calendar of events uses different colors for different these colors mean anything?
No they don't smile emoticon
The Destroyer
Some event pages will show instead of the events reg page (instead of say
When the promoter doesn't provide the full link, can the default link that is provided point to search results from California (as isn't very mobile friendly - when typing in 'california' it sometimes selects an event that has California in the title instead of showing search results from California)
Great feedback Shiva, thanks! What about others?
T Rexer
I'd like it if the flier had either a map of the course as well as an address for driving, and maybe a link to something like a strava segment of the course
A flyer? What if this would be on the page before a flyer? (Event details)
I know there is a filter for different events... I choose road as opposed to all which helps with events such as CCCX
T Rexer
That would be awesome Anton, although they have a hard enough time with getting that information on the flier already
The Destroyer
How would that work though? Let's say that velopromo is hosting race XYZ and creates a standard flyer (reads: same course as last 20 yrs. Mostly flat with some pot holes and dead cows) and gives that to the ncnca site master.
Then the ncnca site master searches for the course profile himself/herself (googles previous years strava course) and puts it on the ncnca site?
Shiva bike reg itself isnt mobile friendly but the app is
App uses their web-views, so not by much"