| 1 | +PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> |
| 2 | +PREFIX lode: <https://w3id.org/lode/ns/> |
| 3 | +PREFIX ont: <https://w3id.org/lode/ns/ont> |
| 4 | +PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> |
| 5 | +PREFIX prof: <http://www.w3.org/ns/dx/prof/> |
| 6 | +PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> |
| 7 | +PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> |
| 8 | +PREFIX skos: <http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#> |
| 9 | + |
| 10 | +lode:Module |
| 11 | + a |
| 12 | + rdfs:Class , |
| 13 | + owl:Class ; |
| 14 | + skos:definition "A pyLODE module contains one or more profiles and its classes, properties and SHACL shapes for display under one heading."@en ; |
| 15 | + skos:prefLabel "Module"@en ; |
| 16 | + skos:scopeNote "A prof:Profile can also be a lode:Module. All resources loaded using owl:imports or PROF resources will go into the module as one set of statements."@en ; |
| 17 | +. |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +prof:isProfileOf |
| 20 | + owl:propertyChainAxiom ( |
| 21 | + lode:isQualifiedProfileOf |
| 22 | + rdf:value |
| 23 | + ) ; |
| 24 | + skos:editorialNote "Possibly no longer required."@en ; |
| 25 | +. |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | +lode:componentModel |
| 28 | + a prof:ResourceRole ; |
| 29 | + skos:definition "A Component Model is a closed set of classes and properties defined by an ontology."@en ; |
| 30 | + skos:prefLabel "component model role"@en ; |
| 31 | + skos:scopeNote "Used as part of pyLODE input metadata to identify profiles that need to be documented as part of the output as a component model (module)."@en ; |
| 32 | + skos:editorialNote "Possibly no longer required."@en ; |
| 33 | +. |
| 34 | + |
| 35 | +lode:config |
| 36 | + a prof:ResourceRole ; |
| 37 | + skos:definition "A resource with a set of RDF statements that determine parts of pyLODE's documentation processing engine."@en ; |
| 38 | + skos:prefLabel "pyLODE configuration role"@en ; |
| 39 | + skos:scopeNote "Use this to include statements such as which profiles are also lode:Module instances, what classes to ignore, the ordering of modules and classes, etc in pyLODE."@en ; |
| 40 | +. |
| 41 | + |
| 42 | +lode:ignoreClass |
| 43 | + a rdf:Property ; |
| 44 | + skos:definition "A property to classes that should be ignored by application processors."@en ; |
| 45 | + skos:prefLabel "ignore class"@en ; |
| 46 | + skos:scopeNote "pyLODE as an application processor will ignore these classes when generating the documentation output."@en ; |
| 47 | +. |
| 48 | + |
| 49 | +ont: |
| 50 | + a owl:Ontology ; |
| 51 | + rdfs:label "pyLODE Vocabulary"@en ; |
| 52 | +. |
| 53 | + |
| 54 | +lode:isQualifiedProfileOf |
| 55 | + a owl:ObjectProperty ; |
| 56 | + skos:definition "A property to a qualified node which has a link to a profile."@en ; |
| 57 | + skos:prefLabel "is qualified profile of"@en ; |
| 58 | + skos:scopeNote "As a configuration side effect, pyLODE will only load into the graph closure classes and properties that are defined in a profile that is linked to by lode:isQualifiedProfileOf."@en ; |
| 59 | +. |
| 60 | + |
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