Boot into installer
# go into a root shell
sudo su
# create this folder if necessary
mkdir -p /mnt/etc/
git clone https://github.com/ramblurr/nixcfg.git /mnt/etc/nixos --recurse-submodules
cd /mnt/etc/nixos/unstable/x86_64-linux/quine
# edit disks.sh and verify vars
# partition disk
# Edit /persist/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key and place the private key
# it is used to decrypt the secrets with sops
# install
- Reboot
WARNING: This isn't working yet as of 2023-04-24 because of
error: filesystem error: cannot rename: Invalid cross-device link [/mnt/nix/store/1caynpxvnlc0a6bcyr35z4gpjiy1qacq-manifest.json.drv.chroot/nix/store/5b37nyxpghm0h2fsx8nn23qh9mpp3f65-manifest.json] [/nix/store/5b37nyxpghm0h2fsx8nn23qh9mpp3f65-manifest.json]
So in the meantime use the "Bare Install"
Boot into installer
# go into a root shell
sudo su
# create this folder if necessary
mkdir -p /mnt/etc/
git clone https://github.com/ramblurr/nixcfg.git /mnt/etc/nixos --recurse-submodules
cd /mnt/etc/nixos/unstable/x86_64-linux/quine
# edit disks.sh and verify vars
# partition disk
# Edit /persist/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key and place the private key
# it is used to decrypt the secrets with sops
# install
You could get some hashes errors, just change the bad hashes in the config file
to the given ones by the Nix Output.
3. Reboot
4. Login
5. chown -R $USER /etc/nixos