Loop may offer in-built SwiftUI integration on Apple platforms without creating an extra "LoopUI" package.
Loop only needs to provide standard data funnels to connect feedback loops with SwiftUI, and has no involvement in UI concerns except for the two characters in import SwiftUI
. Everything else is SwiftUI's declarative UI realm (data to virtual DOM, vDOM to native view, etc). That is in contrast to our UIKit sibling ReactiveCocoa, which is a heavy UI-focused library that (1) attempted to solve AppKit/UIKit reactive programming at a micro level (KVO-like property bindings), and (2) wraps parts of Objective-C dynamism into friendly Swift APIs.
Since SwiftUI is shipped with the system, no friction is incurred for dependency management on users' end. All these collectively makes it perfect for Loop to offer straightly the said utilities.
Such integration should be excluded from Linux builds.
Concepts are built upon the implicit behavior of DynamicProperty
, which serves as a clue for SwiftUI runtime to look inside the property wrapper, so as to pick up embedded special wrappers like @State
, @ObservedObject
and @Environment
This enables us to build custom property wrappers that provide simple dev experience, while hiding the heavy lifting of bridging feedback loops to SwiftUI world.
Direct state binding like @ObservedObject
Bound view pseudo code
typealias WeatherStore = Store<WeatherState, WeatherAction>
struct WeatherView: View {
var state: WeatherState
init(store: WeatherStore) {
_state = store.binding()
var body: some Body {
VStack {
Text("Current temperature: \(state.temperature)")
+ Text(" \(state.unit)").font(.system(size: 10.0)).baselineOffset(7.0)
action: { self.$state.perform(.refresh) }
label: { Text("Refresh 🔄") }
SwiftUI environment injected state bindings
Note: Unlike @State
and @ObservedObject
, it hasn't been tested whether @EnvironmentObject
would work.
Bound view pseudo code
typealias WeatherStore = Store<WeatherState, WeatherAction>
struct WeatherView: View {
var state: WeatherStore.State
var body: some Body {
VStack {
Text("Current temperature: \(state.temperature)")
+ Text(" \(state.unit)").font(.system(size: 10.0)).baselineOffset(7.0)
action: { self.$state.perform(.refresh) }
label: { Text("Refresh 🔄") }
Parent view pseudo code
typealias WeatherStore = Store<WeatherState, WeatherAction>
let weatherStore = WeatherStore()
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some Body {
Partial store
Already supported via Store.view(value:event:)
. e.g. injecting via @EnvironmentBinding
a partial store that exposes only state & events related to radar images.
typealias WeatherStore = Store<WeatherState, WeatherAction>
let weatherStore = WeatherStore()
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some Body {
value: \WeatherState.radarImages
event: WeatherAction.radar