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RxDart Flutter


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rxdart_flutter is a Flutter package that provides a set of widgets for working with rxdart. This package is officially maintained in the ReactiveX/rxdart repository. These widgets are specifically designed to work with ValueStreams, making it easier to build reactive UIs in Flutter.


This package provides three main widgets:

  • ValueStreamBuilder: A widget that rebuilds UI based on ValueStream updates
  • ValueStreamListener: A widget that performs side effects when ValueStream values change
  • ValueStreamConsumer: A widget combining both builder and listener capabilities for ValueStreams

All widgets require a ValueStream that always has a value and never emits errors. If these conditions are not met, appropriate error widgets will be displayed.


ValueStreamBuilder is a widget that builds itself based on the latest value emitted by a ValueStream. It's similar to Flutter's StreamBuilder but specifically optimized for ValueStreams.


  • Always has access to the current value (no AsyncSnapshot needed)
  • Optional buildWhen condition for controlling rebuilds
  • Proper error handling for streams without values or with errors
  • Efficient rebuilding only when necessary


final counterStream = BehaviorSubject<int>.seeded(0); // Initial value required

  stream: counterStream,
  buildWhen: (previous, current) => current != previous, // Optional rebuild condition
  builder: (context, value, child) {
    return Column(
      children: [
          'Counter: $value',
          style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.headlineMedium,
        if (child != null) child, // Use the stable child widget if provided
  child: const Text('This widget remains stable'), // Optional stable child widget


ValueStreamListener is a widget that executes callbacks in response to stream value changes. It's perfect for handling side effects like showing snackbars, dialogs, or navigation.


  • Access to both previous and current values in the listener
  • No rebuilds on value changes (unlike ValueStreamBuilder)
  • Child widget is preserved across stream updates
  • Guaranteed to only call listener once per value change
  • Optional child for stable widgets that remain unchanged across stream updates


final authStream = BehaviorSubject<AuthState>.seeded(AuthState.initial);

  stream: authStream,
  listener: (context, previous, current) {
    if (previous.isLoggedOut && current.isLoggedIn) {
    } else if (previous.isLoggedIn && current.isLoggedOut) {
  child: MyApp(), // Child widget remains stable


ValueStreamConsumer combines the functionality of both ValueStreamBuilder and ValueStreamListener. Use it when you need to both rebuild the UI and perform side effects in response to stream changes.


  • Combined builder and listener functionality
  • Optional buildWhen condition for controlling rebuilds
  • Access to previous and current values in listener
  • Efficient handling of both UI updates and side effects
  • Optional child for stable widgets that remain unchanged across stream updates


final cartStream = BehaviorSubject<Cart>.seeded(Cart.empty());

  stream: cartStream,
  buildWhen: (previous, current) => current.itemCount != previous.itemCount,
  listener: (context, previous, current) {
    if (current.itemCount > previous.itemCount) {
        SnackBar(content: Text('Item added to cart')),
  builder: (context, cart, child) {
    return Column(
      children: [
        Text('Total items: ${cart.itemCount}'),
        Text('Total price: \$${cart.totalPrice}'),
        if (child != null) child, // Use the stable child widget if provided
  child: const Text('This widget remains stable'), // Optional stable child widget

Error Handling

All widgets in this package handle two types of errors:

  1. ValueStreamHasNoValueError: Thrown when the stream doesn't have an initial value
  2. UnhandledStreamError: Thrown when the stream emits an error

To avoid these errors:

  • Always use BehaviorSubject or another ValueStream with an initial value
  • Handle stream errors before they reach these widgets
  • Consider using stream.handleError() to transform errors if needed

Example of proper stream initialization:

// Good - stream has initial value
final goodStream = BehaviorSubject<int>.seeded(0);

// Bad - stream has no initial value
final badStream = BehaviorSubject<int>(); // Will throw ValueStreamHasNoValueError

// Bad - stream with error
final errorStream = BehaviorSubject<int>.seeded(0)..addError(Exception()); // Will throw UnhandledStreamError