Found a bug? Want to fix an open issue? Got an idea for an improvement? Please contribute!
All contributions are welcome, from absolutely anyone. Just open a PR, Issue or Discussion (as relevant) - no need to ask beforehand. If you're going to work on an issue, it's a good idea to say so on the issue, to make sure work isn't duplicated.
Fork, then clone the repo:
git clone [email protected]:your-username/django-tasks.git
Set up a venv:
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -e '.[dev]'
Add an extra name for each database you want to develop with (e.g. [dev,mysql]
, [dev,postgres]
or [dev,mysql,postgres]
). This is optional.
Then you can run the tests with the just command runner:
just test
If you don't have just
installed, you can look in the justfile
for the commands that are run.
To help with testing on different databases, there's a docker-compose.yml
file to run PostgreSQL and MySQL in Docker, as well as some additional just
commands for testing:
just start-dbs
just test-postgres
just test-mysql
just test-sqlite
# To run all of the above:
just test-dbs
Due to database worker process' tests, tests cannot run using an in-memory database, which means tests run quite slow locally. If you're not modifying the worker, and want you tests run run quicker, run:
just test-fast