While working on yoavweiss@d0fda08 to fix #82 I realized that the browser doesn't have enough data with current syntax to get the intrinsic dimensions of the image, only its intrinsic width. The height remains a mystery until the image is downloaded (or until Layout says otherwise).
AFAICT, in order to resolve it, we need to add some data in the syntax regarding height. I propose the following:
- Add an 'h' descriptor.
- If authors want the browser to avoid re-layout after image download (assuming CSS doesn't enforce image dimensions), they needs to provide both 'w' and 'h' to at least one of the resources in each source list (so in each srcset attr)
- The proportion between the first/last resource dimensions that include both 'w' and 'h' will be used to calculate intrinsic dimensions of the picked resource (even if it doesn't include both 'w' and 'h')
Now, I might have missed something, or the above proposal may be bad. Let me know if you think that's the case.