Can't use create SSM Association with SSM Document Parameters #90
I seem to be unable to use SSM Document Parameters in an SSM Association
Trying to get vaporshell to output the parameter on an SSM association as follows, which is known to work within Cloudformation
Type: AWS::SSM::Association
InstanceId: !Ref "Ec2InstanceLinCen101"
- sss
Running the raw command:
New-VSSSMAssociation -InstanceId 'i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' -LogicalId ssmAssoc1 -Name stuart -Parameters @{ Hostname = @('sss') } -verbose
which results in this ERROR:
New-VSSSMAssociation: This parameter only accepts the following types: Vaporshell.Resource.SSM.Association.ParameterValues. The current types of the value are: System.Collections.Hashtable, System.Object.
So I try ParameterValues as per
New-VSSSMAssociation -InstanceId 'i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx' -LogicalId ssmAssoc1 -Name stuart -Parameters ( Add-VSSSMAssociationParameterValues -ParameterValues @{ Hostname = @('sss') } ) -verbose
And it adds an extra level called ParamterValues
VERBOSE: Resulting JSON from New-VaporResource:
"ssmAssoc1": {
"Type": "AWS::SSM::Association",
"Properties": {
"InstanceId": "i-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"Name": "stuart",
"Parameters": {
"ParameterValues": {
"Hostname": [
Which if I run in the resulting template, it fails to create because "ParameterValues" is not a parameter
Resource handler returned message: "Invalid request provided: Parameter "ParameterValues" is not defined in the document.
Have tried different variations ParameterValues doesn't give the result that will allow the template to work.
Is there a bug here, or am I just doing something wrong ?