Hello all, I am using ROS 1 noetic and Ubuntu 20. I am using rviz to visualize the markers for the fieldsets.
In version 3.5.0 I get this:
This is correct, there is an L shaped object is infringing the thin zone:
However when I upgraded to version 3.6.0 the fieldset looked flipped compared to the lidar data:
Here it is again with the L shaped object in the same place as in the picture from version 3-5-0
I have 2 ros workspaces, one with version 3.5.0 and the other with 3.6.0. This is how I tested this change.
It seems like the lidar data is correct, but how the fieldsets are being drawn look opposite. This is confirmed when I use SICK SOPAS ET to also visualize the fields and lidar data.
Also the field reading clear or infringed is also correct, it's just that the lidar zone data is not lining up with the markers in rviz for the fieldset data.