Hello everyone,
I would like to collect the data that I receive from the various frames generated by the picoscan 150 sensor.
At the moment is set to 15hz, 0.05° angle step in compact format udp.
In particular, I am only interested in collecting the fullframe with all the points and not the partial segmented ones. I followed the various posts, but I do not receive any element with segment id -1, when the call back is called.
Below I report the code in which I inserted a brake point inside the if, but this is never triggered.
In attachment to wireshark sniff, the CLI reply and the launchfile configuration.
Kind regards
void customizedPointCloudMsgCb(SickScanApiHandle apiHandle, const SickScanPointCloudMsg* msg)
//std::cout << "C++ PointCloudMsgCb: " << msg->width << " x " << msg->height << " pointcloud message received" << std::endl;
// Calcolare la dimensione totale del buffer da ricostruire
size_t total_size = msg->row_step * msg->height; // Dimensione totale del buffer (in byte)
// Alloca il buffer completo per contenere tutti i dati e fare una hard copy prima che un altro settori sia pronto
uint8_t* full_buffer = new uint8_t[total_size];
// Variabile per tracciare la posizione corrente nel buffer
size_t current_index = 0;
if (msg->segment_idx == -1)
std::cout << "Segment number:" << msg->segment_idx << std::endl;
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